Buying Class-4 Monster Cores

Inner Post:

Lowell McClain again denied their suggestion. The 6 of them felt humiliated. They didn't want to stay thereafter. Seeing that McClain relaxed his eyebrows.

But he felt a certain pressure. He hopes that Jonathan will return with Zack soon.


Outer Post:


After returning to my room, I changed to comfort clothes. I couldn't help but remove the scenes of today's duel in my mind.

Today went disappointing for the Viper Academy. No one was able to get the 1st win in the Elite Category for our academy.

And the remaining elite warriors whose match up didn't come so far. I'm not optimistic about them either. After removing the unnecessary thoughts in my mind..

I left the room and started walking towards the lobby. I need to breathe some fresh air to cool down my head. After arriving at the lobby, I met with Ernest and Laverne.

There are other groups who are ready to go out for a walk.