Part 1: Truth comes to light

From MC's perspective:

Goodwill City,

"Is it real?" Rebecca asked.

Hearing that I replied, "It might be possible."

Rebecca's heart shook for a second. How do I say this? At this point, her nerves quickly become numb after hearing such shocking news.

She then looked towards me and asked, "Care to tell me why?" 

"Dean, I think you should visit the arena first," I said to her.

A look of realization dawned on her face before leaning the place.


The 2 Supreme Elders and the other deans of the academy are standing high in the sky above the destroyed arena.

Supreme Elder McCarthy looking at the damage. The Supreme Elder Marlene remained silent. 

She came before him. But she didn't ask any questions. She silently stood in the mid-air. Like she had figured it out that it was the work of someone stronger than her.