Mid-level- Super Elite Stage (Lightning Essence)

From MC's perspective:

Castle-Study room,

Jonathan didn't expect that Master's family members are still visiting the castle.

Lowell then said,"But I'm not going to worry about my selection. Because Zack has surpassed my expectations. He is a Super Elite Warrior despite coming from that outpost."

"If he had been born here, he would have reached at least the SSS-Elite stage by now," He added.

He didn't want to reveal about Zack's ancient practice methods. It's better that less people know about this information.

Jonathan nodded his head in affirmation. He knows that warriors in Zack's stage right now are either SS -Elite or SS-Elite warriors.

That's the advantage of being born here in this inner post.

Then Jonathan thought of something before asking,"Master, what about the Eclipse academy?"

"Did McClain House demand anything?"