New storage ring

From MC's perspective:

Study room,

"Are you confident?" Lowell asked.

Hearing that I immediately thought of the environment. Here the younger generations are strong. I don't know the strength of the younger generation in the teacher's family?

"Teacher, what about their strength,"I asked back.

Lowell wasn't surprised. He is glad that Zack is attentive to the information.

"My family's youngsters are strong. Some of them are SS-Elite Warriors. And few of them are Peak Stage of Super Elite," Lowell said in a calm tone.

Hearing that a hint of shock and disbelief appeared on my face.

"SS- Elite?" I uttered in a surprised tone.

Lowell nodded his head then he thought of something. His expression turned solemn.

"Oh yes, there is one more thing," Lowell said.

Then he added further,"As I said before the main house recruitment is going on. The McClain House requires talented warriors."