Four Advanced Training Room

From MC's perspective:

Lowell Castle,

"Teacher wants to meet me," I muttered, looking at the message.

"So he is back," A quick gleam flashes in my eyes. I have fulfilled the task he has assigned to me.

I'm wondering what will happen next. Then I stood up and left the room to meet him right away.

Study room,

When I got there. The door opened automatically. Seeing that I walked inside.

Teacher Lowell is sitting behind his desk, looking at the blue virtual screen.

"You are here!"

"Good," Lowell said, looking towards Zack. Then he immediately saw through Zack's details. As he had guessed before, Jonathan didn't lie to him.

And his vision was right as well. Zack has accomplished the task.

A small smile appeared on his face before saying, "You are Peak Stage Super Elite both external and internal right now."