Part 1: Trial (Federation)

From MC's perspective:

Lowell Castle,

I continued my daily practice by using the four training chambers. With each passing day, I'm correcting my mistakes and gaining huge battle experience.

A few days later,

After breakfast, the teacher summoned me to his study room. While walking towards the study room, I guessed more or less about the situation.

"I think it's about the federation trial," I said in my heart. Earlier, I thought that McClain House would come first. But it looks like there are people opposite to Teacher Lowell.

When I reached the study room.


The door opened automatically. Seeing that I walked inside.

Teacher Lowell is sitting behind his desk. He is calm and composed. Seeing that I sighed inwardly. If he is confident, then I don't have to be afraid.

Lowell McClain raised his head to observe Zack. His eyes scan Zack from top to bottom. He knew Zack had been training hard these past few days.