Defeating Patricia

Blood Shadow Hideout:

Kane asked,"Are you going to accept it or not?" His expression was solemn.

Hearing that old man squeezed smile before saying,"Sir, there is no problem in accepting it. But the price would be higher."

Kane's eyebrows eases down a little bit. He was afraid that old man might deny. Now he let go off his worry before asking the price.

"The price 1 million affinity stones," The old man said.


"1 million. Why don't you rob it?"Kane asked.

Their yearly family income was just over 1 million affinity stones. The bounty price is asking for them to give up one year income.

Then he recalled Supreme Elder's words. He was determined. So there is nothing wrong in offering one million.

"Okay, I deposit. 20, 000 affinity stones in advance. Rest of them will be given after the mission completion," Kane said.

"No problem," The old man said before uttering secret words.