Blood Shadow Force's unexpected move

Wine Tavern:

Kane is unwilling to return. Seeing that old man keep ignoring him. He turned around to leave.

A few hours later,

He came back to McClain House. After arriving at his study room. He sat back on his seat. "It's already late at night. It's time to sleep," He muttered.

Before doing that he decides to look up the news site. The blue screen appears above the gadget. Then he started to search the news.

When he typed the name "Zack Lockwood" and searched it.

Several news articles appeared on the news feed the next second.

[Federation Internal Competition: Zack Lockwood wins the top place from the 2nd group]

[Zack Lockwood: The Ultimate Dark Horse]

[Was he an early stage SS-Elite Warrior?]

Reading several article headlines. Kane's eyes flickered.

He didn't expect to see such news. He had gone only for a few hours. In between that Zack Lockwood has won the group duels.