Part 1: Duel against Natalie

From MC's Perspective:

Duel arena,

Large number of people have come to watch the duel. Most of them are here to see the duel of Early Stage SS-Elite Warrior.

After the 2nd group duels, they didn't see Zack Lockwood. Now they have the opportunity to watch the duel.

When it was the time for the duel. The crowd started cheering out loud. At this time, the announcer walked in.

Like always, he welcomed everyone before explaining the rules. The rules are the same for the stages. Like how they have conducted the duels for each group.

In today's duel, 5 of the 10 will go to the next stage. From there one of them will get a free pass to the next stage. Then the remaining four of them will fight one against another. 2 of the winners will get to the next stage.

The final two participants will be selected from the top 3. One of them will enter the final duel automatically. The remaining 2 of them will have to fight each other to get the final spot.