Miss Spoiled Brat

Winnie looked at the two girls, and walked towards them.

"Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Winnie, Winnie Bernadette. I'm Courtney's lady-in-waiting," she greeted cheerfully.

The two girls exchanged a look. Well, they weren't expecting someone as bratty as Courtney to befriend someone as polite as her.

Lily broke both her and Emma's silence.

"I'm Lily, and I'm Emma's lady-in-waiting, and her best friend," she introduced.

While this conversation took place, Courtney was in her private bedroom, sprawled across the king-sized bed, her face covered in a face mask while she read a fashion magazine, flipping through its pages.


Winnie turned around, rushing back into the bedroom.

"Right away Courtney. I've already prepared them," she said as she nervously tended to her.

Emma and Lily shared a look.

They were in for a horrible treat.

"Out of all people? Seriously? We get miss spoiled brat as a roommate?" Lily asked, frowning.

"Who knows? Maybe she's nicer than she actually acts. We can't judge her because of how she acts around her friends," she reasoned, knowing what she said couldn't be even further from the truth.

Lily sighed.

Emma changed the topic, "Well, at least we're at our dorm, it's where we'll be staying for the next few months, and it looks pretty cool."

Lily looked around.


They were obviously trying to avoid something, or maybe it was best to call it someone.

Emma sighed.

"Lil, we still have to get this over with. Let's just go say hi. Nothing else. I don't want to talk to her either, since she seems impolite, and brattish. It's better we become the bigger person in this situation, don't you think?"

She walked to the entryway that Winnie had walked through, to see Winnie carefully placing slices of cucumber on Courtney's eyes.

She cleared her throat, Lily right behind her.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Emma, Emma Grey. This is my lady-in-waiting, Lily," she said as she pointed to Lily.

"I'm your roommate for the next few months," she continued.

Courtney got up from her bed, straightening her faux fur satin robe that looked more of a pink belted nightgown, and taking the slices of cucumber placed on her eyes off before handing it back to Winnie.

"And what makes you think you could ruin my last chance of relaxation before the first day of ZALE starts? Who are you to do that? Do you know who my parents are?" She asked sharply.

Emma should've been excused, since she hadn't been told who she was talking to. She didn't know she was talking to someone of higher status than her. Heck, she didn't even fully know who this girl was other than the fact that she was bratty, was rich, and had the last name Walton.

"Well I'm sorry, but I have never met you before. Should I know you?" Emma replied, with no care who she was, or what title she had. She would NOT allow someone to talk to her like that and get away with it.

Courtney scoffed and rolled her eyes, planting her right hand on her hip.

"She doesn't know who I am? How dare she," Emma and Lily heard Courtney mutter.

She snapped her fingers.

"Winnie. Stop whatever you're doing. Explain to these two commoners who I am," she ordered, gesturing to both Emma and Lily, who stood right by each other.

Winnie stood between them.

"Well, you're talking to Courtney Walton. Daughter of Crown Prince Caspian of Denasia. She's a duchess," she explained, seeming proud to be more of a slave than a lady-in-waiting to the brat of a duchess.

Oh boy, this was going to be one fun semester.

Emma glared at Courtney.

"And what exactly do you expect me to call you?" She asked, not meaning to call that girl anything that belonged to that of royal status.

Courtney cackled evilly.

"Your intellect matches your beauty, doesn't it? You're as dull-witted as you are moronic. Everyone knows you call duchesses 'Your Royal Highness'," she replied snarkily.

"Why you little-" Lily shrieked, the next words she wanted to say were not very appropriate, especially for a lady-in-waiting and would've been controversial if news spread across ZALE.

If Emma hadn't dived in front of Lily to stop her from beating Courtney up, a fight would have ensued, and they would've caused a huge commotion.

"Lil, it's fine," she said as she tried to calm her furious bestie.

She turned around to face Courtney and Winnie.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, your royal highness, and you too, Winnie. We're exhausted after the trip from the Zenovia palace. If you don't know, I'm the daughter of the late Duke Kennedy. MY title isn't exactly set in stone, but I'm just like you, I'm a royal," Emma explained, setting her place in stone.

She turned on her heel, walking to the other dorm's bedroom.

Lily followed suit.

"Seriously? I can't believe her. If she wasn't Prince Caspian's daughter, I would've-

The next things she said were too violent, especially against ZALE's standards.

"Let's hope other students aren't this way," Emma said as she took in her surroundings.

While the two girls had been busy worrying about their roommates, they didn't have any time to notice their dorm's elegant, modern, and sophisticated theme.

But that was something to talk about for another time. It was getting late, and school started tomorrow.

The two girls found their belongings, and their books - to Emma's amusement - neatly arranged in their bedroom. Their clothes and outfits had been neatly packed in their bedroom's closet.

The dorm's closet was similar to the palace's closet, except much smaller, and with a more modern than plush theme.

The girls went to work right away, searching for the perfect ball gown to wear, since the first class of the day, excluding the ZALE assembly, of course, that of which was dancing.