His Exception

Emma, who had spent class paying no attention to what Professor Alexandria had discussed, finally switched her attention from James to her professor just when she was announcing the assignment she gave the students.

"As I've already discussed the details about your assignments during class, I won't repeat the important details of the assignment. Though, as a way to get to know your new classmates better, I'm allowing you to choose your partners," Professor Alexandria announced as she adjusted her glasses.

Students looked at each other, choosing their partners silently, but quickly.

It was instinct for James to choose the girl beside him to be his partner for the assignment.

It hadn't been a week of school, yet they had kissed already. On the first day of school, no less. When Lily woke up and found out about it, she'd never let her best friend live it down.

As if on cue, the ZALE bell rang, signalling what seemed like the swift end of the first class of the day. The other students collected their arithmetic books and left the classroom, with the exception of Courtney, who had her servant/lady-in-waiting carry her books for her.

Courtney was decent enough to know that if she didn't want to get humiliated in front of Emma yet again, she'd shut her mouth and find another partner.

Sadly, that other partner was Winnie. It was no doubt Courtney wouldn't help. She didn't have to lift a finger, since she knew Winnie would do everything for her. To her, that was one of the main reasons she had brought Winnie to ZALE in the first place.

When she wasn't her lady-in-waiting, she was her servant, her assistant, and many other things.

This poor treatment had been going on for years. Winnie hadn't the slightest idea why Courtney treated her this way, since Courtney used to treat her well. That was until she remembered that incident.

Courtney's mother died when Courtney was at an impressionable age. She had died of an incurable disease she had inherited from her ancestors. What this disease was, she didn't know, but Courtney's mannerisms had changed significantly, and this was the start of her new behaviour.

How her father acted about it didn't help, as Prince Caspian shut her out of his life, choosing to isolate himself out of his daughter's life, and that itself ruined Courtney both physically and emotionally.

It was now a few years later, and Prince Caspian hadn't changed much, except, he spoiled his daughter with whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. His beloved wife was gone, and it was his daughter that was left.

Because of all of this, Courtney had turned from the sweet duchess she was to a spoilt wretch.

Maybe it was because Winnie secretly hoped the old Courtney would return, or because of pity and sympathy that she stayed beside her friend's side, but she had never lost hope.

Meanwhile, with Emma and James, they had left the classroom.

As Emma hadn't been attentive during class, she hadn't had a clue of what they were supposed to do for the assignment Professor Alexandria had given.

"James, I totally spaced out during class, what are we supposed to do again?" She asked.

James stared at Emma, surprised.

"Emma Grey? Not attentive during class? Colour me surprised," he said, grinning.

Emma laughed.

"Well, my mind was set on something else. All I know about this assignment is that we're supposed to be in pairs," she admitted.

Out of all times, it was then she decided to play with his thoughts.

She fought back the urge to smirk.

"I wonder who'll my partner be," she said, much to James' shock.

He stared at her, not blinking once.

"You don't have a partner yet?" He asked seriously.

Much to his dismay, she nodded.

She continued toying with his emotions, acting completely oblivious.

"I wonder who I should ask. If Lily wasn't in the clinic, I would've chosen to be paired with her. Who do you think I should ask? Richard maybe?" She asked.

All the colour drained from his face. His mind was flooded with thoughts.

Richard? Out of all people? Why'd she even consider him?

He felt a pang of jealousy, clenching his jaw tight, as he gripped his arithmetic books so firmly they'd get squashed by his muscular grip.

Was she this ignorant to the point that she hadn't assumed he'd want to be paired with her?

Emma, noticing his reaction to her words, guffawed.

He stared at her again, wondering what caused this reaction from her.

"What's so funny?" He asked sternly while gritting his teeth.

Emma looked him in the eye, her eyes sparkling as she assured him.

"I'm only messing around, James. Unless you already had someone else to be partners with in mind, by default, aren't I your partner for the assignment?" She asked.

At her words, he nodded, relief flooding him.

It hadn't been more than 2 days they had met, but the thought of her being with another guy other than him deeply upset him.

Once he realized what this feeling was, his eyes widened.

Never once had he been jealous over a girl.

'Am I jealous? Over Emma?' He asked himself, trying to validate his feelings and emotions.

Why was he feeling this? Wasn't this too soon? Did he like her to the extent he'd get jealous at the mention of another man except him or her male family members?

These thoughts clouded his mind, causing him to groan in frustration.

"Very funny," he remarked.

"But aren't I your partner?" She asked innocently.

"Yes, you are," he replied.

"But never do anything like that again," he said next, much to Emma's satisfaction.

She raised her brow.

Who knew the arrogant Prince of Amaris could get protective so easily?

"Why? Are you jealous?" She asked, almost smirking.

At those words, James' eyes widened.

"What?! No! I'm not-

Only Emma could provoke such emotions out of him. If anyone else had tried doing anything similar to what she had done, they wouldn't have made it through the day alive. Of course, she was an exception.

"You're cute when you're jealous, you know," Emma blurted out, much to her own disbelief and shock.