The Disgusting Stench of Rotten Eggs 

Compared to her problems, his problems would be deemed little in comparison.

He helped her get up and brought her to sit down.

"Where did you smell this scent?" He asked.

Emma tried composing herself, using the rest of her strength to sit up.

"Around where Lily was found. The smell came from the bottle filled with liquid used to polish and shine the trophies. Of course, this isn't proven by a test or any scientific basis, but my theory is that the liquid contained an excessive amount of liquid ammonia," Emma explained, before falling into a fit of coughs as she wheezed, trying her best to breathe in and out.

James looked at her guiltily.

He didn't have the ability to do anything but be there for her. If he could, he would've swapped scenarios in a heartbeat. He rathered him be the one to suffer and be in pain while the other watched, not knowing how painful it actually was.

Of course, for him, being a nerd and all, reasoning seemed like a great way to help her.

"Emma, if your theory is right, that means she was exposed to large doses of ammonia. If you didn't make it out of that area you would've…"

He trailed off, not wanting to mention anything else that might have affected her.

Emma silently asked him to continue.

"Keep talking. I'll be fine," she said as she pulled herself together.

There was no time for her to be hurt. She needed to find an antidote as soon as possible. It was Lily that needed it. Her very own best friend.

"The bottle's still intact. Classes start in thirty minutes. That's more than enough time to get the bottle, give Professor Celine the remains of the bottle, so she could do some tests on it just to make sure that's what actually poisoned her. We do have science after all. We have enough time to rush to our dorms and get our books before that class," Emma reasoned.

James nodded.

"Well, we do have some extra time on our hands. I propose we question the lady that gave Lily the liquid in the first place. There has to be something she's not telling us.

"Y-you're right," Emma said as she tried not to seem vulnerable and in pain but failing, as she clutched her chest.

James clenched his fist tightly.

He felt horrible at the fact that he couldn't do anything to help the girl he liked.

"Come on, let's go, we still have to ask the librarian some questions, and we only have half an hour before classes resume," she said as she tried to get up.

James didn't argue, knowing fully well she'd be too stubborn to sit down and let him do the work.

He wrapped his arm around her back, supporting her, just in case tragedy struck and if she needed any support.

Emma, grateful for his thoughtful action, kissed him gently on the cheek as a thank you.

Of course, this provoked a light pink hue to cover his cheeks as James stuttered on his words, not being able to string a single sentence as he did.


At this, Emma managed to smile. She found his flustered side of him cute, but time was of the essence. It was now or never.

"James, let's go, we're running out of time," Emma coaxed.

He shook his head, snapping out of his daze.

His arm around Emma tightened as they both made their way to the same area the bottle of what seemed like poisonous liquid was located at.

The area was scattered with small fragments of glass everywhere over the thin carpet. After successfully avoiding the pieces of glass, James managed to grab the bottle, holding it as far away as possible from both him and Emma as Emma let go from him, staying a few steps away, covering her nose and mouth as she couldn't bear to smell the horrific smell that was the very same thing that might have caused Lily to go unconscious, and might cause her to do the same.

The two were victorious and successful in the first step of their plan, which was getting the bottle without any casualties.

The second step was to ask Ms Faust anything she knew. Previous visitors, any hidden agendas anyone might have, or anything else that might help the two in their investigation of sorts.

As the two approached the librarian, they noticed their odd behaviour.

Ms Faust was biting the tip of her pen, nervously mumbling about something, while also not noticing the two students approaching her.

"Ms Faust?" Emma asked, startling the ZALE librarian.

She stared at Emma with a feeling Emma couldn't comprehend.

She smiled warmly.

"Oh! You're here! You're done with the investigation for more evidence, I assume?" She asked, her tone much high-pitched than before.

Emma narrowed her eyes, choosing not to speak.

"Yes, we are. But we're also here to ask you some questions about the evidence we found," James said as he stepped in to talk for her.

Ms Faust's face turned dark.

"Questions?" she asked.

James nodded.

"Of course. Ask away. I'll help as much as I can by telling you everything I know," Evelyn Faust replied, her solemn facial expression returned on her face.

Emma piped up.

"Do you remember who gave you this bottle?" She asked as she pointed to the direction where James was holding the bottle.

James set the half-broken bottle on the table.

Ms Faust looked at the bottle, trying to recall any memories she could remember during the past few days.

"The library didn't have any suspicious activity going on in it. The only visitors the library had were from those looking for textbooks and scrolls to read and research on," Ms Faust admitted.

Emma and James exchanged a look. This was no proof. Heck, there was no proof that Lily was purposely poisoned except for the fact that Emma would have almost been poisoned herself if she hadn't escaped the poisonous smell of ammonia in time.

Looks like finding the perpetrator wouldn't be so easy after all.