Satiated...How Exactly?


He pouted. 

"Do you always have to be so sweet?" He asked. 

Emma smirked. 

"When it comes to you, yes," Emma answered. 

James blushed a deep shade of pink. 

"Why you- 

Emma silenced him, closing her eyes as she kissed him passionately.

Once she pulled away, she asked, stifling a laugh. 


James being flustered was something she always found adorable. 

He couldn't answer properly as he sputtered. 

" are you doing this to me," James complained. 

He looked lovingly at her, although there was something else, something Emma couldn't pick up. 

Yet, she was feeling the exact same way, as she felt a sort of rush, and a chill down her spine. 

She noticed she wasn't the only person feeling this way as James had her same look on his face. 

She asked herself. 

"Why am I feeling like this?"