Unleashed Parts, And All

"You once felt this way and never told me?!" Lily asked, seeking validation, thinking this was some kind of next-level joke. 

Emma and James were perfect together, not just from the outside, and Lily saw the testimony of it. The fact that Emma had some kind of doubts shocked her. 

This was some next-level news being shared. It was highly unexpected, although, at this rate, it seemed like anything was possible these days.

She wouldn't have ever expected someone like Emma to be worried about the responsibilities of a girlfriend. 

Heck, she'd have never expected Emma to be someone's girlfriend, with how little she talked about wanting a significant other, or love in general, with the small exception of romance movies she had binge-watched with Lily. Other than that, conversations with Emma were never about love, romance or any kind of non-platonic relationship; all before James came.