
It's Friday again and as usual there's CAT (Citizens Army Training ) time again every Friday afternoon.

Damn that CAT I think my voice will be broken again due to shouting in my platoon group ,and yes I'm a platoon leader in the women's department.

But I think there's no CAT time for this day because all of the grade 10 students are coming back to their classrooms which is rare to see every Friday hmm let me ask the battalion commander which is MJosh.

"Hey MJosh! What's the matter?" I asked as soon as I approached him.

"Hi Lei, Teacher Rodriguez is absent and guess what? There's no CAT," He said happily.

"You are really crazy," I answered.

"Crazy for you," he uttered then he winks at me duh?

"Awieeeeeeee," said by his friends who were Freinzz, EJ, Dan, Ivan, Niel are included, they are his super duper best friends.

"Oh damn you! You looked happy which supposed to be you'll do is the opposite because you're the Commander you looked too intimidating when we are in the field then what now? Gosh," I voiced out but he just chuckled humorously while looking at me and then he smiled sweetly.

"Lei, that's normal and me too I'm serious to you, then what now?" he replied mimicking the last words that I said.

"What kind of seriousness is that huh? By the way I gotta go because I need to report to our school paper adviser bye!" I said then I turned away then MJosh shouted.

"Okay be safe I need to marry you first before things that don't matter and bad things will happen," he said but I just shook my head.

"Whatever!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted back not minding the people around.

I don't have an idea why MJosh is acting like that sometimes but there's a rumor that MJosh does have a crush towards or small feelings either and he always picks up corny lines to me duh and if that is true then he admitted it a long time ago right? But I'm sure that is only useless rumor.

I won't deny that MATTHEW JOSH REYES or known as MJosh is nice but cocky sometimes, genius, a taekwondo player slash basketball player. In the physical features department well, does he let that he'll lose?

The panty dropping handsomeness, a kinda light skin tone with a red kissable lips, his roman nose and oh his usual hair which is on quiff style and we had the same color of eyes which is jet black eye color.

I have had a crush on him during our lower grade years and grade 8 to be specific but it doesn't stay long so maybe I'm just attracted a little bit?

We were classmates before but not now because we are in different sections but we are still shop mates because we share the same course which is ICT (Information & Communication Technology).

USTA offers vocational courses that are added to our subjects even in the Junior High School department.

I reached the school paper office after a long walk and from outside I saw Teacher Cristobal inside through the transparent glass walls before I entered the office.

"Hello Ms. Cristobal," I said as I entered the office she looked at me.

"Oh hi Lei," she replied.

"This is my new article Ma'am" I uttered as I handed her the folder which I've been holding since I talked to MJosh.

"Put it down there and I'll check it late, Uhm Lei...…" she said and I put it down to the empty table and faced her again because I think she seems to have an important thing to say.

"I think you'll be the one who will be participating as an editorial writer for this year's competition for the Collaborative Desktop publishing. Does your schedule is not that hectic?"

"Really Ms.? I will participate again even though I'm the current EIC? Yeyy, thank you ma'am and my schedule is not that hectic." I said exaggeratedly.

I can't believe this!!!!!!!!! I'm the editorial writer again gosh but our department building is really far from the school papers office then the field is near to school papers office hayst things is really unfair sometimes. I need to walk faster because I have a thing to do.

When I finally reached our building and to our classroom specifically I heard noises from my classmates and to my surprise they were already cleaning without my supervision.

Just wow??????

"Hey stupid Justin. sweep that first then you'll put the floor wax."

I heard Paul said to Justin while they are cleaning that they're natural behavior, mocking and cussing each other and being noisy while doing a thing especially when cleaning.

"Can you please shut the fuck up you see I'm doing it nice," Justin complained back.

"Justin is really under ahaha you're stuttering when you pronounce R then you're letting them to slave you tsk tsk tsk" Celine said.

"Hey hey hey people faster! Double time our adviser might reach us while cleaning that is inappropriate!" I shouted then they did what I've asked.

After cleaning our classroom our adviser Teacher Rasos, entered astonishingly.

"Hmm we are so industrious right Ma'am?" Dale said with a proud smile.

"Hmm yeah yeah nice the garbage? Are they out now?" Our adviser asked.

"Yes ma'am it is already segregated also and we put it outside ready for picking out. We are really diligent right?" John said, my classmate since elementary.

"Okay you guys did a great job again so come out and attend the flag retreat don't be noisy huh," she warned then left followed by us.

When we are already in the flag retreat area as usual what's new? Our section is the one who was leading the noise even though we are on the sideways.

Sometime we don't take seriously the flag retreat because it's so hot the sun burns our skin and most of the students are complaining and doesn't taking seriously the flag retreat is wrong and we are awarded on that but still.

The flag ceremony is now over so we need to bid goodbyes now.

"I'll go first guys," I said.

"Bye president," they said in chorus.

While I was walking to go to the mall since the mall from our campus is just walking distance I decided to walk also I'll go to the mall because I have to buy some stuff and I'll wait for my dad too I met MJosh.

"Hey again Leiva we met again and I think we are really meant to be huh? we just met again and here in the street" He uttered.

"You are really insane haha you don't know the word coincidence?" I mocked.

"I don't buy that but by the way where will you go?" he asked.

"I need to buy something at the bookstore," I answered.

"Oh can I accompany you?" he offered.

"Nah, it's fine." I said gladly and I flashed a smile.

"No no no let me so let's go," he said and suddenly grabbed my right hand and went towards the entrance of the mall but what the fck?

"MJosh, someone would see us and they might think something and misinterpret it. " I complained while we were walking but he did not let me go.

And when we finally entered the mall I heard some gossips from our co students

:Girl that's Leiva right? The class president from another section? and that is MJosh our hottie battalion commander for juniors?

:omg why are they together and doing haha

:maybe they're dating!!! Ship!!! They look good together

:yeah but we are more better to look good together

The other girl said with a bitchy tone.

:dream on

The girl said too then they both laugh.

And I look up to MJosh and he is already looking at me then we both laughed too.

After buying the stuff and checking the new books I already want to go home which MJosh agreed too because maybe he is exhausted already.

"So I guess I should say goodbye and thank you for the accompany," I said smilingly.

"Yup, goodbye too be safe I think your Dad is already there." He said as he pointed where dad parked while talking to someone but before that dad texted me that he is already outside.

"Yup.. he is already there goodbye again." I said as I bid my goodbye.

"Bye" he said too and surprisingly kissed me,







In the cheeks, he hugged me and me, who was still in a shocked state because it's the first time that he did that.

"Bye babe princess." He simply said.

"He-hey why did you do that?" I said while pouting.

"Hmm so cute." He just answered.

"Yeah whatever," I replied and ran towards dad.

He is crazy huh? I thought we were friends then he'll kiss me on the cheeks without permission?

That's considered as a big mistake!!!!!!!!!!!