His Parents?

It was already three pm in the afternoon and I just woke up from my 30 minutes nap because I slept after eating our lunch outside.

From the window in my room, I saw the sun getting bury to the bluish sea water and here I am going about was about to go out from the hotel room which I'll stay when I saw xHITian going out from the room next to my room and I followed him because he is busy on his cell phone.

And when he already noticed that I am behind his back, he faced me and he grinned maliciously but that doesn't make his handsomeness less because he looked hot in that.

OMG you're literally having a crush on your childhood playmate Leiva??

He gave a glance to the clothes that I'm wearing because I change my clothes earlier and right now I'm wearing a faded color cut off short shorts exposing my legs again and black tube inside and paired it with a purple and white striped beach dress shirt and I let it hang on my shoulders and for me to protect my face from sun I wore color brown floppy straw hat letting my wavy black hair down.

He stared at me and when he saw what I am wearing astonishment plastered on his face but suddenly shift into his usual dark aura then he spoke,

"You love to expose your creamy legs huh?" He whispered but I didn't heard clearly.

"H-huh? I love creamy what?" I asked.

"Nothing. Are you alone?" He suddenly asked.

"Stating the obvious? Do I looked like a double

person?" I said sarcastically.

"Hmm not being a body-shamer huh, but you do?" He teased and I grab his hair even though he is a way more taller than me.

"He-hey I'm just kidding," he excused and I distanced myself from him and rolled my eyes again.

"Tss," I uttered.

"Haha c'mon let's go come with me," he said then I was shocked when he held my hand then he pulled me for us to go in the elevator.

And when we already reached the first floor a lot of eyes were staring at us or I mean staring at this eye catcher guy and our holding hands.

And I noticed that most of the people in the lobby area and entrance are those people in our campus and some of them aren't familiar to me.

When we are already on the sea shore and from here I saw my parents together with the parents of this jerk who is currently holding my hand.

While feeling the sea breeze that touches our body, I heard some whispers of the men and women that we passed and they were saying like.

"Gosh! Xian is really so hot," a flirty voice echoed in my ears.

"Agree!! For sure behind those clothes is a yummy six pack abs," the other girl replied giggly.

And I scanned Xian while we were walking and he was wearing a white short sleeve button down shirt and inside of it was a black sando inside with a pair of brown board shorts.

Using his left hand he fixed his slick back black hair which made him more hot.

"Xian hottieeeee impregnate me please," a girl said again.

"Me to babe!!!" A girl said, which made my eyes roll again.

Hmm I always rolled my eyes for this day huh? I have done a lot.

And while still walking going to where our parents are sitting we heard an exchange of conversations again and this time were from those boys.

"Holy f*ck bro, see Leiva's body? I don't know that she is so sexy like that," I guy uttered followed by another guy again.

"True I thought she doesn't have like that I thought It's just pure fats" amazement was visible on his voice

"Yes and those past and future of hers damn so good to be touched," the other guys said with a bit of sexual?

"And those legs, not the other girl who is just skinny," said the other guy and they laughed.

And I suddenly felt uncomfortable because of their topic because I knew that those words are from those sexually maniacs and even those girls earlier.

They are sexually fantasizing to us and that is bad, because that is considered as sexual harassment that shouldn't be done.

I knew that I do have my own lust but can just we control the lust that runs to our body? Because that can make a person uncomfortable with what they felt?

And while still walking, I felt Xian's hand snaked on my waist tighter which made my heart beat rapidly.

"U-uh your hand," I said awkwardly.

"Hmm… How about my hand?" He said with dominance like he's acting that he owns me.

Maybe to protect me from those predators because he heard it too?

"Uhh nothing," I answered shortly and he made his embrace on my side waist tighter and he just smiled like he did a good thing after hearing those dark words from those men and women that we just passed by.

And I gave a glance to our parents and their eyes were like a hawk when they noticed Xian's hand on my waist and they whispered to each other and smiled maliciously and they all laughed.

And that made me frown but Xian is just here beside me, smiling like an idiot.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked Xian.

"Hmm I don't know too," he said amusingly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, want to know about it?" He said then he stopped walking and that made me stop too.

I smiled at him then nodded and then he smiled while he was sure and then he placed his face near mine and then he motioned his hands that were holding my waist.

So I hit his shoulder while he is laughing sexily.

"He-hey stopped haha your face!" He said while I was still hitting him. "Such an epic expression," he said because I knew that my cheeks turned red upon him saying those words.

"Epic your face!" I shouted to him then he still laughed.

"Let's go there now," he said, then he pulled me to the table and chairs where our parents were sitting. When we had already reached the table, I immediately greeted my parents.

"Hi Mom," I said then kissed his cheeks, same with Dad. "Hello Dad."

"How are you Lei?" Said by the woman who still has these unfaded beauty despite her age.

"Ow hello Madam and Sir," I greeted her with her husband which he and Xian's gaze resembled a lot.

"Lady, Don't call us Madam and Sir. Call us maybe Aunt and Uncle instead and we are your Aunt Francyne and Uncle Xuan," the beautiful woman introduced their names to me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I said, and I bowed my head slightly.

"Nice to meet you too Leiva," Xian's Dad said, then he spoke again.

"But much better if you'll call us Mom and Dad too," he said, which made me blushed again and they laughed again and I heard Xian complain.


"What son?" Uncle Xuan asked innocently.

"So early for that," he said annoyingly.

"We'll still go for that, don't worry," his Dad teased him again.

"Uhhh never mind," Xian said.

And I sat next to Dad and asked him.

"What are they talking about Daddy?" I asked innocently.

"You'll soon know sweetie," he said with double meaning words? And I think Uncle Xuan heard it.

"Yes Leiva, because this son of mine is so slow," he said then Xian just rolled his eyes while still standing.

But…. I'm confused like what the f??So I decided to leave again so I can give my gift to Kitty in the gift area.

"Mom, Dad I'll just put our gifts there," I said.

"Oh sure, Here's our gift, take care sweetie," Mom said and I heard that Xian spoke again.

"I'll go too, Where's yours?" Xian asked his parents and Uncle Xuan handed him their gifts.

"Take care son," Auntie Francyne reminds his son.

"Sure Mom," he said then he glanced at me and said. "Let's go?"

"Uh okay," I asked shortly because I know that their eyes are watching us again and I feel shy about it.

And I was about to walk first when he took those gifts from me and that made me shocked again.

And even though we are still near where our parents are. He holds my right hand using his left hand and his right hand carries all those things and yeah okay.

We are doing HHWW again and people are starting again at us and we are on our way to the stage and from there I saw MJosh and Gio but their friends were not on frame.

I saw the stage with its theme, car racing with a mix of summer vibes. Hmm well I can feel the summer vibes all around the venue area, and uhh maybe that's why they didn't choose the formal part one and chose car racing because Kitty one to be a racer in the future?


The stage was filled with crossed black and white racing flags and the floor was filled with a road like design with white colors and I saw the place where you'll put gifts and it was a big spacious wheel filled with birthday gifts.

The chairs and tables are designed with summer theme ideas which fit the perfect beach view. The wheel where you can put the gifts is just a meter away from us so Xian pulled me there so we can put our gifts. After that I called MJosh' name to get his attention.