He Sang

I don't know why blowing candles and the crowd singing her happy birthday is not the one that happens first because right now the crowd is singing.

'Happy birthday Kitty, Happy birthday happy birthday. Happy birthday Kitty'

They sang and I sang with them too and a big mixture of black and white color car design cake appeared in front and top of it is a flag candle and after Kitty wishing.

She blew the candles. Candles because there are a lot of candles above the car cake.

And after that there are a lot of party games for the children and those kids are so active despite that it is already evening.

They are so cute while playing and they are so very face receiving those prizes based on their faces, While the games are on going.

Celyn pulled me and I just motioned Dad that I'll leave and he nodded going to the table near the giant toy cars here at the side and most of my classmates are already seated here. Good thing few will notice us doing some audacious thing.

As far as I remembered most of them were with their families earlier huh.

This table only consisted of six chairs only good for Vince the dog, according to Faith.

"So what will I do here?" I asked when I already sat and most of my classmates were here trying to fit all themselves in this table. They even got a bench where most of the boys are sitting and I don't know where they got it.

"You meet the parents of the two hunks huh Cousin lucky you!" Vince exclaimed while there's still pasta which he is chewing and this table still has a lot of foods like they are celebrating all alone.

Like they have their own party except Kitty's birthday party.

"Ehh? My parents' friends that's why?" I highly doubt asked and here again their infamous accusing faces and I rolled my eyes about that and I spoke to evict the awkwardness that I'm feeling.

"And by the way, Why still there's a lot of food here 10-Google? The eating session is done" I said to them because they are eating again and upon hearing my complaint.

All of them stopped eating with a rhythm and they eyed me with a shocked face.

'Uhh what is wrong with this section?' I asked my mind and sighed.

"The eating session is already done?" Paul asked before he put to his mouth the spanish taco.

"Yes, It's already time for games." I said and Justin spoke after he swallowed the fried chicken he chewed.

"We didn't notice the food is so delicious," he said and John agreed too.

"Agree and the servers did not inform us and they still continued putting food that we requested," he said.

"Oh well maybe they are shy to 'inform' you Madams and Sirs," I sarcastically said.

Those dead hungry tss.

"Hey we are not included, Vince just offered us when Paul sent a message to the group chat to go here because he had a news update." Celyn said and I frowned when they said group chat.

"You sent a message on our group chat?" I asked Paul.

"Yes and they didn't even reply to Pres uhh what a chaotic people, I just experienced a linear communication tss." Paul answered and he bit the drumstick harshly.

I looked around to see my parents and they are busy socializing with people and I saw another set of students too doing like what we are doing too.

Gathering together and eating and that gives me relief because we are not the only one. And I immediately opened my cell phone and I saw his message which is.

'Guys at the table now, I have a tea'

And I became curious about it.

"So what is it Paul?" I asked him and he smirked.

"I saw Xian clenching his jaw earlier when you and MJosh with Kitty have a picture hmm." He said while smirking.

"Pres ayy soww eytt toow," Giovve answered while eating.

That's gross.

I noticed that Rogel isn't here maybe because he didn't attend? Freinzz and EJ is not here too and for sure they are with their friends Niel and Dan with Ivan too that's why.

And that isn't surprising and luckily eating is their habit right now and not shamelessly drinking uhh I'm so lucky.

Vince was about to talk when Kitty spoke in front using a microphone so she immediately got the crowd's attention.

"I just want to ask you guys about something,'' she said and talked again "I want a request from my brother," she said and I saw MJosh's face cease while he's sitting on their table.

And from here I saw my classmates Ej and Freinzz sitting there, Right! I'm right.

"What is it, birthday girl?" The Gay MC asked.

"I always hear my brother singing at home and I know he's good at it," she said confidently at the crowd of a cute girl.

"So can you sing us a song right now?" She said the crowd became noisy and she smiled while looking at her brother while shaking his head and Gio immediately forced him to stand up.

"You want him to hear singing right?" Kitty asked again and we said YES!!!! Me and my classmates shouted too because we eagerly want him singing. We haven't heard him.

And from here a staff member gave him a guitar!!!

Woah!!! A guitar??

"He knew how to play guitar?" Faith said shockingly too.

"Stating the obvious my Faith," Vince teased again and Faith just rolled her eyes.

MJosh went in front and kissed his sister in cheeks and Kitty giggled and there is a wide smile plastered on his face and there I saw Gio shouting.

"That is my cousin!!!!!!!!!" He said loudly like a proud parent.

MJosh just shook his head again while the staff member fixed the microphone and it's stand.

"Good afternoon folks this is all for you," he said then he started strumming the guitar and the song is kinda familiar to me.

While he's strumming he sings the first stanza and looks around like he's searching for something.

'It's you

It's always you

If I'm ever gonna fall in love

I know it's gon' be you

It's you

It's always you

Met a lot of people

But nobody feels like you'

He sang and here we are watching him while singing with his cold baritone voice that fired him while singing.

I was amazed by his voice, It's so dreamy.

The coldness of his voice met the lyrics and he sang it like he feel all the single words he's been singing while holding the guitar.

'Don't break me again

I am delicate

Please don't break my heart

Trust me I've been broken before

I've been broken, yeah

I know how it feels

To be open

And then find out your love isn't real'

He sang and stopped touring his eyes when he's deep color black eyes met mine. And I heard some girls around shouting and cheering him, I heard words like;

'We love you MJosh'

'You're so hot and good in singing'

'I'm in love with you MJosh'

'I really love you!!!!'

Said by some voices that I clearly understand because even there's a lot of formal people here, His admirers can't stop cheering him.

"He has a fans club now huh," Yzasaid beside me on the left side and the right side is Celyn.

"Maybe?" Justin answered while still watching

And by singing the stanza again he's just there staring at me.

'It's you

It's always you

If I'm ever gonna fall in love

I know it's gon' be you'

When he's already in the middle part of the song, The crowd joined him singing like they enjoyed it till the very last lyrics.

'So please, don't break my heart

Don't tear me apart

I know how it starts

Trust me I've been broken before

Don't break me again

I am delicate

Please don't break my heart

Trust me I've been broken before'

We clapped as he is already finished in singing and her sister embraced her and she mouthed thank you.

When MJosh already go down from the stage and the MC is about to speak

I saw some familiar classmates of Xian shouted suddenly and they are saying.

"XIAN! XIAN! XIAN! XIAN!" And my classmates with me joined them shouting and they even mixed it with a clapped beat and I raised my right eyebrow at them trying to stop.

But they just smiled teasingly and I searched for Xian and I saw him staring at me and his forehead ceased then he smiled amusingly and I frowned at him.

Most of the crowd is already cheering because Xian is already popular on the campus because of his hotness according to them.

And I don't know why he's busy bugging me if he can have others out there.

"Ohh they want someone to perform too birthday girl," the MC said to Kitty who is now seated.

"You want that XIAN guy to perform?" the MC said to Kitty and curiosity were evident to Kitty's eyes and she said.

"Yes?!!" So the MC spoked saying.

"Oh where is Mr. Xian then? Come on Mr. Xian and let us hear your voice," he said while smiling.

And Xian stood up going to the stage and he got the guitar too… So they are both guitarists?