
"You'll slide from the top first, and then after falling on the bubbles, you'll drink the bitter melon shake from the glass and you will flip it back, understood?"

The tour guy instructed before we positioned ourselves on who will be sliding first since both groups will slide both at the same time since there are two sliding.


"That sucks!"

"I hate bitter melons."

Said by some of our companions the same as the other groups and the tour guide just laughed while seeing our expression, well I hate bitter melons too.

I remembered when my brother Lick bought my other brother Buz, a cake and he didn't tell him that it's a bitter melon cake so when he tasted it, he had a hard time swallowing it.

"The one who'll do it first will be the winner!" The female tour guide said.

"So who will slide first?" MJosh asked and Gio immediately raised his left hand but when MJosh continued to talk he said, "and will drink the bitter melon shake?" And Gio put his hand and pretended like he did not raise it earlier.

"Ahhh… No one likes it? Then I'll go first so lineup now," he commanded when he noticed that no one wanted to go first.

He stared at me first before he smiled softly and I was shocked at him as he played at my hair.

"I'll be next to you Joshy," Gio said as he went to the back of MJosh.

"Oh I'll be next to Gio!" I exclaimed.

"Ow yessss Dale baby come here!" Vince shouted too as he pulled Dale for them to go at the back of me.

I noticed that Krizer is the one who'll slide at the other group and next to him is Paul who is doing a sign of the cross and when I glanced at his back, the guy was staring intently at me.

I mouthed him saying 'what?' But he just shook his head and from his serious expression, an amused smile plastered on his face and I frowned at it.

I gazed at his groupmate and I saw Enzo holding his waist while there was a disapproving expression on his face and while twitching his lips.

Maybe he's annoyed again.

"Ready, set, go!" The gay tour guide shouted and Krizer and MJosh started slidding and I noticed that there is a lot of people who are watching us.

After Krizer moved his body from the bubbles, he immediately went to the table consisting of the smoothies which were followed by MJosh.

We can't slide our body in until they finish drinking the smoothie and flip the plastic glass.

Krizer finished drinking it already and he was now flipping the glass but I guess he was having a hard time, so when he already flipped it, they both did it with MJosh at the same time which had the expression like he was about to vomit.

During Gio and Paul's time already, Paul is the one who flipped it first since it was his mannerism sometimes when he was hearing gossip around.

And when it was my time and Xian already, I immediately slid my plus size body but I guess, I'm kinda flexible to raise myself in a fast move.

"Go pres!"

"Leiva, Leiva number one! One! One!"

I heard some of my classmates cheer as I drank the bitter melon shake.

"You can do it, Leiva baby!" I heard Vince's voice even though he changed his voice deeper than his usual voice, I can familiarize it.

Well we are cousins so I knew some of his behavioural acts.

I saw Xian stunned and he stopped drinking and he stared back at the hill sand and he looked like was finding something but I saw Vince who was just grinding his waist.

I saw from my peripheral view that MJosh stared at the hill sand too while drinking water.

But because of Xian, staring back there I'm the one who finished drinking the shake and I was about to flip the glass perfectly and I looked at Xian who was drinking.

I didn't flip it because when I looked at him, he winked at me sexily as he smirked so I got distracted.

Uhhh, I hate you Leiva! What are you? A jackass?!!

I tried flipping it and Xian is flipping it already, after my three failures, I already flipped it but Xian just flipped it two times.


When I was done already Vince slid himself and that was followed by Dale, Celyn, Airhi and our other group mates while I was cheering them actively and with a bit of laughter because of their facial reactions.

I was busy laughing when muscular arms hugged my waist and I saw MJosh from afar talking to someone who is uh maybe a guy from his 50's.

I was shocked when I saw Xian's face from my side and he whispered using his deep voice saying, "your big sized mountains are exposing already, baby. You need to change," he said huskily.

And that sends butterflies to my stomach not because of what he said but the way he said it.

And realization hits me and I gaze at my breast but, it's just my lace bra which is only visible underneath since I'm wearing a rash guard.

I faced him trying to remove his arms on my waist because maybe someone will see us and they'll make an issue.

"It's just my bra! And I'm wearing rash guards," I complained and pouted and I remembered what he said.

"And you pervert!" I pointed at him as he let me go from his embrace, "what big sized? It was just average since I'm still high school but 'Ynabell's is bigger so, she is sexier so go to her and say that words.'"

I said with a lone tone, enough for him to hear it as I stared at Ynabell who was watching MJosh.

"And why?" He said and I heard amusement in his voice so I eyed him and I glared.

"Because obviously, she is sexier than me and her, uh… outfit is more revealing so stop staring at me." I answered but he just laughed before he neared his face to bend his body towards me.

"Why would I stare at her?" He asked with his husky and deep voice, "is she my Lei piggy? Why would I say that she is sexy when the person who is sexier in my eyes is you."

He whispered while our group mates were having fun, not noticing that Xian and I were already flirting.

Uh flirting? Is this considered flirting? I bet no.

"Can you distance yourself from me? someone will see us," I complained as I stepped back, but he just stepped forward too with a sexy smirk on his face.

But I act like I Was annoyed when in fact, the butterflies are having a celebration already on my stomach, and I don't know why.

"Leiva! We lost! Do not approach our opponent."

Suddenly a boyish voice interrupted us and I saw Gio's irritated face and Krizer's face who was dancing with joy.

I moved my eyes around and I saw MJosh is talking to Ynabell who seemingly enjoys that MJosh gave her attention.

And she looked like she was flirting with MJosh but, MJosh just smirked which makes me confused.

"Stop staring at them, can you just focus on staring at me, instead?" He whispered but I didn't hear it clearly because we were near our group mates who were having fun loudly.

"What??!!!" I said as I wanted him to repeat it but he just shook his head.

"Nothing," he answered shortly and I saw his defined jaw clenching.

I moved to go back to our groups and Celyn immediately said that four seconds only is the gap between our groups and, our last player is from Xian's company and from Xian's group who made them win is Justin.

"Congratulations group two!" The female tour guide said when MJosh and Xian were already in front.

"The next game is dodgeball's wave and we need to regroup you again!" The other guy tour guide said as we regrouped ourselves and the two leaders picked numbers again and this time, I'm group two, still together with Vince and now with Paul, Celyn, Dale and Faith.

"Group one proceeds at the left side and group two, to the right side!" The female tour guide shouted.

I'm glad that the tour guide is already not simping to MJosh and of course to Xian which I saw lust on her face earlier.

But duh!!! I don't care.

"Vince I know you are an idiot but I guess you already knew dodgeball right?" Paul asked but he just smirked as he continued teasing Faith who was glaring at him.

"Okay group one your leader is MJosh again and group two your is Xian too," the gay tour guide announced.

And my heart is beating faster again because Xian is my leader. Why the hell I didn't feel it earlier on MJosh?

Xian was walking while smirking at me and I noticed how he smiled amusedly. And the way he started again at me made me confused, because his stars was shouting passion and hankering?

"Hmm... my 'baby'," he said with a teasing voice and my nervousness doubled when he emphasized the word 'baby'.

I heard Krizer coughing fakely at my side, maybe because he is the one who only heard it?

Well I'm glad because I was saved by my classmates who will maybe interview me because of what they hear.

But they were busy talking to each other before the tour guide used the megaphone again to inform us of the instructions.

Uhh… hoping for him to not do the usual things that he started doing since we became neighbors.