
The game was over, and we lost it. The overall count of our group that remains is 17/35 while the group one is 20/35, they are so competitive but I guess, our group enjoyed the game.

Krizer was hit by MJosh but he was still happy and I don't know why? And every time I catch him staring at Xian, he will just gestate a heart shaped using his two hands.

And Xian will just show his middle finger which he'll just laugh at, but for me I find it hot.

Wait… hot? What the hell?? Where is the hot part on it? Are you ogling over him again? My gosh self.

So we lost the game and the group one was celebrating but their happiness vanished when the tour guide said that our groups will shuffle again.

We are grouping again while I was busy composing a message for Mommy that I needed an ointment for my side forehead and when it was already sent.

I focused on which group I belonged and it was group two again together with Paul and Vince again and of course Gio.

"I bet MJosh will be our leader again," Paul commented while resting his head on my left shoulder even though is taller than me.

He always does that since we became close and I'm not feeling any awkwardness and he is not the only one who always does that sometimes when they feel tired or they are hurt.

It's like we became siblings while we have been having fun since the first years we became friends.

Boys and girls being friends needs to normalize, it's not that when they become close, it doesn't need that they have a relationship or whatsoever that includes flirting.

Platonic friendships do exist whatever your opinions about it. Don't normalize giving an issue about a man and woman's friendship even sometimes, this is the starting point of a romantic relationship.

But even though we call it a starting point, well we don't need to generalize it, because we accept the fact that there are friends who stayed only as friends.

Vince rested his head too on my right shoulder even though they have the same height as Paul, but I can't feel the heaviness of their head. Maybe I'm really used to it.

"Okay our group leader is MJosh," Gio announced and Paul just laughed at it.

"You got the obvious prediction,'' Vince said while their heads were still resting on my shoulders.

When MJosh approached us, he suddenly pulled me away from my two jerk friends which made them shocked and of course me too because his hands are holding my hands tightly like I'm gonna escape from them.

"Let's plan now," he said using his baritone voice while still holding my head and I noticed the way Xian looked at us.

"The next game is, thug of the sea." The female tour guide announced.

"And I knew you were already familiar with the tug of war but in the tug of war, they used a thick rope. In our game we will use a thick fishnet while you are on the water!" The tour guide explained the instructions.

But a member from Xian's group raised his hand and said he needs to go to the comfort room, so the number between the groups is not already fair.

The game was about to start when my digital watch rang and I saw Mom calling so I raised my hand too, to excuse myself which the tour guide let me so the number is already equal.

I noticed how active the face of Xian was when I already left, sixty percent form our section, 10-Google are on Xian's team while the remaining forty percent went to MJosh.

I saw Mom holding her phone and she is wearing a summer hat and a summer dress which makes her more beautiful. We slightly have the resemblance but my face got more from Daddy's features.

While my brother Buz is a mixture of them, and Lick got all Dad's features so he looked like the younger version of Dad when he was you.

"Sweetie, what happened to you? Look at your forehead, it's becoming red." Mommy said worriedly and I just smiled at her.

"Mommy, it's because the sun made it look more red and not because it was hit hard." I explained but she grabbed my hand for her to put some cream on my face.

And from here, I saw that the game already starts and they will compete until one wins. They are so entertaining to watch and I can't stop myself from laughing.

"My darling seems to already like someone."  Mommy commented as she was busy putting on some cream.

I pouted about it because it's a half truth and a lie. I don't know, you can't blame me.

"You're wrong mom," I said as I looked at her after she was done but she just laughed at her.

"Okay if that's what you said so be careful huh, tell me and your daddy if you are already in your room or you need something." She reminded me.

"Yes, Mom we will have our bonfire later so maybe we'll stay late" I said and she nodded as she held my hair softly.

"Be careful sweetie, huh? I need to go already." She said and I smiled at her and smiled back before she left.

Uh… I'm so grateful to have her as a Mom, I'm so grateful to have them as my family, So grateful and lucky.

I was busy watching and laughing my group mates and Xian's group mates too, as they pulled the fish net together in the water when Gio distanced himself to fix his composure then pulled again before joining them to shout

And I notice how he halted at Krizer, ohh something is up huh, I was busy observing when a hand tapped my shoulder and when I glanced at the owner, I saw Novien and Miguel's malicious stare before they spoke,

"Guel, What team do you belong to? #XiLei or, #VaOsh?"

Novien asked Miguel while they still had the teasing look plastered on their faces.

"I love chilis Nov, so I'm on #XiLei!!!" Miguel said then he danced like a liberated party woman.

"Oh, I'm loyal to our batch team  so I'm on the commander's side! #VaOsh!" Novien said while I'm watching him pronounce the name VaOsh, but where did they get those names?

"Wo-wait!! What do you mean by XiLei and VaOsh?" I asked but they just laughed as the shouting continued at the battle area.

"Hmm Lei, XiLei for, XI plus LEIva," Miguel explained with hand gestures.

"And VaOsh for, LeiVA plus mJOSH" Novien said too while demonstrating like Miguel and shook my head about what they said.

"Your unbelievable guys, come on, join us later in some activities." I said, inviting them and they actively fixed their outfits as we went to the water.

They cheered Xian and MJosh but I saw that Xian's group is winning so Miguel is cheering like a cheerleader till the game is over.

I'm happy for Xian's group and smiling widely too, when he immediately approached me, before MJosh did because he was walking towards my direction too.

I glanced at him and I saw pain? What? No, I'm wrong. Gio went to him while holding his waist and he talked to him.

"Uh, I feel energized again." He muttered and he was about to hug me when I remembered that my classmates and other people are here so I ran straight away from him who was laughing sexily.

But why am I acting like we are hiding our romantic relationship which did not exist? It confuses me.

The tour guide said that the group activities were already done as per requested by the management because they needed to attend some visitors too. Well that's fine so we can start now riding those water activities.

"Hey! Let's go banana boating!"

Vince shouted and when we approached the area for the banana boat we immediately rode it while they instructed me. We left Cuevas and Reyes' cousin there.

Anne is at my back while Celyn is in front me, Paul and Dale shouted when they overturned the boat. We even tried Parasailing and I'm with Dale because Vince is with Faith.

We even forced Giovve and John to join us in the zipline and after that, they turned red like a tomato.

"Ohh someone is afraid of heights huh," Celyn exclaimed while acting like she was thinking.

After those tiring activities, we are now here at the sand beach having a bonfire as we grilled some sea foods, luckily I'm not allergic to it.

Our groupings are into sections, so those Cuevas and Reyes guys are not into us. The hotel provides us food to be grilled as part of the party.

They have a big budget huh? How rich. Some of my girls and boys classmates are grilling while they let me to not help them, which I disagree with and they just blackmailed me that they'll call Xian or MJosh to join me on grilling.

How manipulative, and Vince is leading the game here in the bonfire of truth and dare, but karma hits him immediately when the bottle faced him and he said "dare," straight forward.

And we all grind and smirk while we are in the circle of bonfire, feeling the heat of the fire against the fold of the sea breeze.

I'm wearing my short shorts and like yesterday I'm wearing a beach dress shirt but it's color black paired with gray short shorts and white tube inside.

I caught Xian who is staring at me from his position while he is grilling together with his new friends, Joshua and Laurenz.

I glanced around and I saw at the dark side that Xian was there talking to a certain woman? Hmm who is that woman then?

I gaze back at Xian who is intently watching me, so I stuck out my tongue while looking at him with a teasing expression on my face.

And he gave me a blank stare but warning is shouting on his usual black aura again. Whatever.

Since Enzo is the last one which the bottle faced, he smirked boyishly like he is a straight and not bisexual one.

"So. I. Dare. You. To. Confess. To. The. Girl. You. Like."

Enzon said slowly as our classmates burst into a hard laughter because it's so obvious that Vince likes someone in our section.

Vince just stared at Enzo emotionlessly because he maybe doesn't expect that he will say it?

Then he stand up and he went to Faith's place who is grilling with Aeigh and Airhi then he said loudly for us to heard it clearly.

"I like you!" He said and made us shocked because of his audacity to confess it right away.

"I thought he'd complain?" Celyn asked and Paul suddenly shouted while Dale and John were talking beside him.

"That's my boy, Vincey baby! Tell him the hard feelings you got!!" He shouted loudly for us to laugh again.