
What did Buz sent me ok his response arises the fear inside me. Even though it is just a simple…


Buz Cruz

A lot of traitors out there my baby.

I don't know if I am just being paranoid or what but I think he knows what is happening or he saw something that makes him conclude what will happen.

The noisiness still filled my ears as my classmates spent the remaining time before our activity day. And I guess no one will stop for being noisy since the whole grade building was not having class at the moment.

I roamed around my eyesight and then from hwrw at my sit, I saw Enzo, our bisexual class secretary who just entered amd oh, he is on his P. E. Uniform already but why is he blushing???

"Hi En, are you okay?" I asked him when he walked by my side and he glanced at me for a second before he answered.

"Ah yes, girl. I am super okay." He answered smoothly and went to his seat which is next to Mae.