Claim my lips

"You always  ate in a very loquacious way huh, Vince?" Ztal said to Vince who is savouring a shawarma and I don't know who gives that to him.

Because after we won again the whole game in volleyball against 10-Twitter, we saw him eating that kind of food and Paul refused to eat shawarma too, even though they said someone gave him also and they were not mentioning who the hell is that person.

"Don't be a killjoy Ztal, go eat the you ball." Vince uttered while chewing.

"Hey Paul, who gave food to this voracious kind of dog… I mean person?" I said and Vince slightly pouted.

It's already lunch time and we are having a one hour and thirty minutes break to continue the activities later. And I am having a problem because I don't have an extra shirt already, so I immediately texted the emergency house number in our home and asked for a shirt but right now, I badly need to change before I catch a cold or my shirt will be dry why I am wearing it.