
The sun is setting already and it's ray creates a wonderful orangey reflection on the blue waters of the sea. The wind made the leaves of the trees dance in sequence as the guy beside me was looking at me like I am the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Baby," he uttered in a very sweet and gentle way as he was caressing the back of my hand and even kissed it.

"Yes?" I asked while looking at him, I gulped because when I gazed at his direction, he was inches away from me already.

"I just want to say, I—"

"Hey! Wake up President already. We'll start now for the afternoon session." I heard a womanly voice as I slowly opened my eyes .

When I looked around, we are currently here at the wide area of the soccer field since this is our area to have a practice and we have only a week before the Intramurals and foundation day.