
"Yeah, anything wrong about it?" I asked in a calm way as I stared at her back while there's an irritating emotion on her face.

"Josh!" She exclaimed loudly that people around looked at our direction that made me conscious.

MJosh gazed at her direction and his eyes rested on hers but his facial expression was normal like he was not that affected by her after all.

Why am I being extra to their drama right now?

"What?" MJosh asks coldly and I notice how the people around continue on what they are doing but Ynabell's classmate and mine were still looking at us like they were looking at a very dramatic scene in a telenovela.

"Why are you talking this pi- oh sorry," Ynabell said and she even covered her mouth like he was sorry even though she wasn't.

I remained calm as I was looking back with a blank expression on my face and I simply looked at my classmates' direction and I saw how shocked they were because of what Ynabell said.