
"So…" Xian continued asking again and a ghost smile formed on Lucas' lips.

"You are calling my Princess, baby huh?" Lucas asked sarcastically and Xian just raised his right eyebrow again and I saw how Krizer and Vince entertained as the two were exchanging rage looks.

"Yeah, any problem?" Xian questioned and Lucas laughed again.

"Well, are you his sibling to call her baby… too?" Lucas asked and I saw Xian sighed as he leaned at the back of his chair.

"No but, Leiva is my Leivavy." Xian answered confidently and I even saw how Krizer stopped himself from laughing.

"What potion did you use for this guy huh? Princess?" Lucas asked as he glanced at me and I just sighed, awkwardly.

"Lucas… stop scaring Xian." I uttered trying to stop him but instead of stopping himself from making fun of Xian, he even went near me and rested his head on my shoulder.