Jail booth?

"Well, I'll just go into our locker room and so will you, then if you are done already and you are on your way. Just call me huh?" I said and he nodded while still smiling.

We are currently wearing a couple bucket hats and this is all his idea. So people were looking at us especially when we were wearing shorts that almost have the same color tone.

He was still staring at me while we were in the hallway going to our building. It's kinda silent here because almost all the students are out and having fun.

"Why? Move now!" I exclaimed and he just chuckled before he moved his body and turned his back to me but there's still a ghost smile on his red luscious look lips.

I shook my head as I went back on walking while still holding the bag and the paper bag as I led my way going to the locker's room. I am kinda not feeling fine because of this but atleast I have Xian.

Third Person of View