
After that event, and the chaotic performances of other students, Xian did not show himself again and it's making me wonder already. The deal we had was that if he was an MVP, he said that we will have a date this Saturday but that did not happen.

He did not show himself in front of our house so the thing that I just did all day was to read current issues of the world regarding politics, government, etc. that will surely be the topic of our competition in the first week of December.

And I did not receive any messages from him, from social media accounts so I just ignored the pain they were throbbing in my heart while watching the rain which was pouring outside in the afternoon and the sun showed itself again but Xian did not.

My eyes were watery as I felt the pain on my belly because of the period I am having and the memory yesterday made me more dramatic because his stares to me felt surreal, that it's real.