
People are not that a lot here right now but they were still looking at Xian with admiration as well as to Lincoln who looks outsider when in fact he really is.

I am trying my best to calm myself, and act like his presence was not affecting me. It's only ten steps as he went closer to this table, and I was horrified when he spoke and his words were like daggers stabbing my heart for the nth time.

"Here was my spot and go out of here if you were just using it with other people and make new memories. That's not good." He implored me to look at him unbelievably.

That's not good huh?

I looked at him with a casual look as I got my bag and stood up without a word. Lincoln looked at me when he saw me walking and I just smiled at him as I went to the spot where we had a snack last time there was a mass.

Minutes later, the five went to the table where I was and of course, they asked me why I let Xian own that chair.