

"The two families were really having a wonderful collaboration huh?" The guy in a tuxedo once again asked after they rode their all white cars going near the establishments where the two famous families were having a meeting.

"Yes boss… according to the report that was sent to me, the Sta. Teresita's were making action to help the Cruzes about the threats that they were receiving previously." The lady assistant of him, said while holding her report sheet.

"Nice… let's still continue the plan." He mumbled as he watched how the two heads of the two companies shook each other's hand.

"The first born of the Cruz boss was confirmed to have a connection with the biggest security company." The lady who is sitting next to him said making him feel uneasy because he is not aware that the Pilot has friends. Yes, he knew that he had a business partner but friends were out of his league because there is a rumor that he is an introverted one.