
I looked at the box once again, cheering myself that I can still give a glance to it but only to find out that the doll that has fresh blood around it can talk, and the words of the Anabelle looking doll frightened me more.

"Angel… angel… will be dead… everyone loves you… but you will be dead." The doll sang and I did not even notice that tears were streaming down my face already while I was sitting on the cold floor after I saw what's inside the box.

"Where is she?!" A loud manly voice echoed and I knew already who owns that familiar voice upon which he shouted.

I saw the worried face of Vince and he kneel in front of me before he looked at the box with his eyes full of ferocious emotion. He looked at me and I tried to hide from him that I was scared but his eyes softened as he caressed my back.