Childhood memories

"We're here now baby." Xian acknowledged and I opened my eyes, as a deep set of eyes met my upturned shape.

He showed his gratifying smile that touched my heart, and when he let me see his deep dimples on his left cheeks again, I did not restrain myself from caressing his face.

He closed his eyes while feeling the warmth on my palm as I felt the softness of his skin.

"Keep doing that, until I'll assume that finally, we are in an official relationship." He said, giving me a warning but I just let out a giggle.

"What if I'll reject you now then?" I asked with a teasing tone and his expression went dark as he went closer to me and I just noticed that he already removed his seatbelt.

"What is it? Hmm… reject? There's no word which is a 'reject' in my vocabulary, little baby" He murmured while our noses were almost touching each other.