
The party went well and of course, Xian did not not stop until he got to talk to me which I let him and well, our talk went well making us close again.

Duh… I don't wanna be the reason for him to fail his final examination. And good thing he excelled at it, and so do I.

I heard that he is the valedictorian of their class and I think he is courting me for nearly two months.

He and I are acting like a damn official couple already so what's the use of making it long to finally make it an official one, right?

It's finally my 17th birthday today and I am not expecting anything special not to be here, on our family's private  island on San Vernales and well this place looked like a resort itself too.

In the next two weeks, Xian's graduation will be held and my answer for him was already ready and well… commitment was waving I guess?