"Oh, I know Armani, I've been reading about you, I was told by a psychic we would meet."
"You believe in psychics; see I don't work with crazy people."
"I'm sorry, are we not meeting right now? Is your name not actually Armani? Who is stupid now?"
Still you because If you work with me, I'll kill you too. So, don't try it, because Armani does not do witnesses."
"You may be in need of a big strong, charming man."
"All I see is psychic boy, not even a man, man."
"Fine! I guess we will be competing."
"Yeah, I guess we are."
With that being said, both the boy and Armani went their separate ways. She went out the fire escape, to the alley, were the man she spoke to was keeping the grenade. He had two.
"Hey, did another guy come by…"
"No, I'm expecting him though."
"He can't make it, he's sick, he told me to take them both, we work together."
"Ok, here they are, be very careful, do not explode that near me… I'm just glad it's out of my site, I'm a free man."
"Here is the money."
She gave the man a lot of money and disappeared into the night with two grenades in a bag. Meanwhile, the boy finally showed up, but the alley was empty, he found a note on the floor, that read 'Sorry I took your grenade psychic boy, but hey this is war and we both know this is bigger than both of us, only the best of the best will win, in case your brain didn't get that, it's me. See you soon sucker.' He smiled at the note, and then scrunched it up. He thought of Armani.
After going back to change at Madame's dresses boutique, Armani travelled miles and miles until she got to her destination, Mexico. She knew where to start, she had to start with the Mexican Drug-lord, because he was ruthless and she wanted her first taste of vengeance to be, you know open up the pallet, for revenge and justice. She knew it wasn't going to be easy, but she started off at a bar, in a Mexican club called, Bailar y vivir (Dance and live).
She got a job their and stayed deep undercover, trying to get as much information as possible.
"oye, ¿qué puedo ofrecerte?" she asked a guy at the club, (hey, what can i get you?)
"tu alcohol mas fuerte." He replied, (Your strongest alcohol.)
She gave him her best alcohol. Just as some more guest arrived at the bar, demanding for their regulars, as the other people went to sit on their regular seat. She wouldn't know since she had only been working a day.
Armani left the bar to go and ask them what their regulars were. They spoke for a while and they invited her to hang out. They started taking drugs and one of their men came up to the boss and told him that their next meeting is, Thursday afternoon next week, Armani didn't actually know what the meeting was about which meant she needed more info and for that she needed to be trusted so she hung around the bar everyday getting more and more closer to them. They liked her because she was pretty and she had great ideas for selling drugs. They eventually invited her to the meeting, not knowing they were inviting death along too. The bombs take 1 minutes before they explode and I had 2, so I had to time my exit just right. The only way to escape there and not die which was underground, water can sweep up quickly, She needed a map of the sewage were the meeting would be held, so she needed to either steal them or check herself. Checking would be risky and so would stealing, so stealing is much faster, so she went with that. There was a domestic sewage company just down the street, I mean she should have hope so, what if a sewage breaks or something and it only took 5 minutes to flood the whole of Mexico, I don't know if that how sewage works but could be. Anyway so it was closed unfortunately so the only way in was to break the window and find the map quickly, it wasn't a secret so it should have been in close sight.
Let's just say, she almost got arrested, but she fled out of the back exit, before they could find her. When Armani was finally out of site, she got out the map and started studying it. She saw each and every exit of the sewage, one leading to the coastline.
The day finally arrived, her first kill. She was worried but excited that this will go well. This was her first scoop of many scoops up until the cherry, in case you didn't interpret that basically means this was the first of many to kill. Anyway, she was dressed up in a beautiful gown, that she found, well stole. What did you expect, she going to be a wanted girl in a matter of days, so she just thought 'No harm done...Yet!' Finally, she made her way to the place the meeting was being held. So, when she got there she was automatically allowed in and the venue was nothing more than a private nightclub. She settled down and listened to their conversations and gave her own insights. She knew when they were soon to leave that she needed to execute her plan. So, she went to the bathroom and never came back. When she got there, she put the bombs in the bathroom and activated them, she then exited out of the building with 45 seconds remaining and she went inside the sewage, the sewage water that smelt like death, then carried her away to the coastline. When she swam down a waterfall the current pushed her and that's when she knew her plan was completely executed, and she just had to wait for the news to confirm each and every death. Later on, she made her way, to a hotel, with a television, so she can watch her victory. When the reporter reported the number of deaths in Spanish, she felt a slight sadness...kidding, she felt happy and relieved. It was time for her next country Columbia.