The Pearl's Place

"I was in kindergarten," the pearl began, "when this brilliant doctor was ten years old."

"What?" Barrett interrupted incredulously.

Jesse nearly choked on his wine when Pearl stuck out her perfectly pink tongue. He laughed and forced himself not to slip into a fantasy involving ice cream and tasting things.

Pearl told Barrett kindly, "I'll have you know I had a lot of energy as a child and my mind was very sharp so my mother sent me to school early."

"Wonderful!" Jesse teased, more to help himself to stay in the present. "She's both beautiful and smart. Well done, Mom, for choosing friends with good genes."

Vivienne chuckled and said proudly, "She is the only child I know who had schools campaigning to have her enrol for elementary school."

Jesse looked at her with new appreciation. She already seemed to be more than the average woman dreamed of being.

"What are you talking about genes for?" Dana teased.

Jesse laughed, aware not for the first time that his sister in law was up to mischief, and put a hand up. "I'm glad she has good genes because I can benefit from association. For example, if there's a doctor's benefit, I wouldn't have to take my receptionist, I can take Sister Pearl here. Drop a couple jaws in the process."

Sam gave him two thumbs up and Dana elbowed him indignantly.

Pearl rolled her eyes and shook her head but Jesse wasn't done. "I'm just joking Pearl. I would never use you as a trophy."

"Thank you."

"But… when you have kids, yours can date mine and we can make this world a beautiful place."

Everyone roared with laughter, including Pearl.

"I see you have the Teab sense of humour."

"We are all about keeping the family tree attractive," Genevieve said wryly.

"Will you guys let the pearl finish?" Vivienne protested.

Todd looked at Jesse and said, "See what I mean?"

There came a chorus of apologies and Pearl smiled, her lovely face glowing in the firelight.

Jesse put his wineglass down. This was becoming ridiculous. Glowing in the firelight?

"I'm almost done, people," Pearl said. "I'm a Christian sports trainer, currently with Excel Coaching International."

"You're way too modest, Pearl."

That came from Todd but Barrett and others murmured their agreement.

Even in the intimate glow of the fire lit room Jesse could see Pearl blush.

"Come on guys, I'm a sports psychology graduate and former track athlete. And what do I do now?" she asked. "I train athletes."

"And win souls and counsel and represent your country and build dreams," Sam said.

"And teach," Todd put in.

Dana laughed. "Cut it out, you two! You are killing the conversation for Jesse and Pearl's date!"

After a moment of shocked silence, Pearl said, "It's not a date."

At the same time Vivienne and Genevieve exclaimed, "They're going on a date?"

Dylan Teab-Gunhill laughed at how Jesse and Pearl both rolled their eyes. The quiet second born said, "Then what is it?"

"A networking opp," Pearl told him with a smile.

"Networking, huh?" he chuckled.

Pearl threw her hands in the air but didn't say anything more.

Vivienne could tell her goddaughter had had enough teasing and she cut in before anyone else could say another word.

"Well, that ends the updates on all of us. I'm sure we can all make time to catch up in depth with Jesse on our own. I'm just glad my baby is home."

"Hear, hear," Sam said.

Pearl spoke up. "Aunt Viv, if I you don't mind?"

"Yes, dear."

"I just wanted to say how blessed you all are to have such a strong bond. I work with broken people from broken homes and in broken marriages." A shadow crossed her face. "And I just want you to know that I'm always praying for your individual families."

"Aww, honey," Vivienne said, "thank you so much. That means so much to me."

"To all of us," Genevieve said, also smiling.

Jesse sat back and wondered how much such prayers had helped other people. Sam had told him of instances when her prayers had seemed to help him through difficult times.

Now she was smiling at Vivienne saying she had to go home. The following day was promising to be a busy one.

Wordlessly Jesse's mother instructed him to walk her to her car. He only hesitated a moment before standing up and offering to take Pearl out.

"Why thank you, Jesse," she said. "Bye everyone."

Todd put his hand in the shape of a phone to the side of his head and mouthed 'call me'.

She gave him a thumbs up before moving to kiss Vivienne and Genevieve good night. When she reached the door, Jesse was holding her jacket.

She let him help her into it and walked through the front door that he held open. Neither of them said anything until they got to her car.

Jesse spoke first. "I'm sorry about the whole date thing. My mom gets excited every time I mention a woman."

Pearl chuckled. "It's okay. I'm used to them. And I know Dana just wants to see me swept off my feet so she'll play that angle whenever she gets a chance." Pause. "I think they were more surprised that we would choose each other."

He looked at her with curiosity. "Why?"

She shrugged with a smile. "I'm like the only girl in the family- the little sister or daughter they never had. And you're the prodigal son."

"I see."

She unlocked her car and Jesse reached for it. She got in and as he looked down at her, Jesse thought he liked the way the moonlight hit her deep brown eyes.

"Let me not keep you from your family," she said. "Thanks for walking me out."

"No problem, have a good night," he said in his deep accented English. He shut the door and waved.

As he opened the door, conversation was coming from the living room, but once he appeared in the doorway, it all stopped and they looked at him expectantly.

Well, Vivienne and her sister did.

His eyebrows shot up over hazel green eyes. "What is it?"

Dylan laughed. His wife Meg said, "Tell us about the date with the pearl."

"It's not a date," he insisted, taking his seat. "We'll be talking about her work."

"So, you're going to her office?" Genevieve enquired.

"No, we're having lunch."

"So, it's a lunch date!"

That was Barrett's wife.

Dylan's twin Jerrod laughed too. "Dylan what did the pearl call it?"

"A 'networking opportunity'," he told his boisterous other half.

Jesse sighed good-naturedly. "Whatever guys. Call it what you will, I'm not going on a date."

"Ok, baby," Genevieve said. "It's not a date, guys!"

Her eyes were twinkling with humour, but that's all she said.