A Little Distance is Needed

The next morning, Jesse woke up slowly. He opened his eyes and just listened to the faint sounds. Today he actually felt his normal calm self. Since he had left the United States, the anxiety had dissipated.

Taking some time to examine this, he realised very few things could've affected this uneasy state of mind which had plagued him for days.

It was either the whole situation with his job hunt, the unfamiliar prolonged proximity to his family, or his unusual connection to Pearl.

From the moment he had picked her up at the basketball camp, her pain had become his own. Her discomfort had lodged in his ribcage like a torn muscle. His fear for her well-being had been born during that incident, and none of his own professional training could shake it completely.

The first time it had swelled to alarming rates was just before he'd gotten the call to travel down to Brazil, when he had been visiting his mother. The second time was that Thursday at Sam's. The next significant episode had been in Rio when his brother had phoned him. In fact, it might've been a little earlier because he'd woken up feeling uneasy and had been intentional to clear his thoughts in order to focus on his potential employers' guides and hospitality.

Jesse couldn't explain it scientifically.

He didn't think he was developing clairvoyant gifts or anything, but he had encountered people who had felt some unnatural connection to others which made them aware of the other person or other people in unexplainable ways. Most often it was in cases involving parents and children. So he certainly felt at a loss to explain his 'link' to Pearl.

But because the feeling of worry was absent this particular morning, he wasn't going to dwell on it. He lay in bed quietly and heard random faint noises around him. A door closing, cars passing, birds chirping.

For Jesse, the morning was the only time he'd had to himself, working at the rehab centre in Europe and he still liked to take it slow. When he finally got out of bed, it was because he knew he had a patient to see. Taking a quick shower, he thought of what he could do to keep Pearl inside all day.

It didn't seem to be her nature to sit idle, so he knew it would be difficult. From the shower he got dressed and left his room promptly.

Once outside Pearl's room, he knocked politely before letting himself in. She had relinquished her pass key to him in a moment of relaxation the night before.

Pearl didn't seem to be up and about yet. The curtains were still closed and she wasn't in the little sitting room.

Jesse went round opening the curtains in the living room and then headed to the bedroom door. He knocked again, waited a moment and then let himself in for the second time. Once more, he found the curtains closed. This time he kept them that way.

Pearl was fast asleep. Her long dark hair was tied in a loose bun on top of her head. Her hands were tucked under her cheek and the covers were drawn up over her shoulders.

She looked so relaxed that Jesse made no move to wake her. He left the room for a moment and made a phone call to reception.

After a few minutes he returned to Pearl's bedroom. She was still sleeping so he pulled up a chair and just listened to her breathing. It was less laboured now, he conceded, than it had been the night before but he also knew sleep could trick the body into a comfortable state. She looked a little pale to him but he'd have to check again when she woke up.

He even managed to check her pulse without waking her. Then, Jesse was content to just sit and wait.

The doctor didn't have to wait very long but he did have to apologize for startling her.

"You shouldn't make this a habit- watching me sleep."

"Trust me, I've seen way worse. Could get used to this," he chuckled.

"Ha," Pearl covered her mouth and yawned. "Good morning."

"Good morning. How do you feel today?"

Pearl paused, almost like he had upon rising and then said, "I feel better. Not hundreds, but certainly better than yesterday."

"That's good. You definitely look better."

He remembered the momentary shock he had felt when he'd walked into her hospital room the day before. Jesse was glad she didn't look like that now.

"Does this mean I can go outside?" she asked hopefully.

"Not a chance," he replied with a grin.

She pouted. "Drats."

The two of them spent the whole morning in her hotel room. They played games, watched TV and Pearl even got Jesse to participate in her devotions for the day.

For lunch, Jesse took Pearl to dine at one of the restaurants in the hotel. Just the walk down to the mezzanine floor seemed to make her tired. Jesse hid his concern but as soon as the meal was done, he escorted her back to her room.

"Maybe you should take a nap."

"Yeah, okay."

"I'll be right here if you need anything."

"Thanks, Jesse."

After a while, Jesse took out his phone and emailed his friend Connie Douglas. He only had one simple question for her. What didn't he know about Pearl's medical conditions?

Then he turned on the television and found a movie to watch.

Once the movie was over, he moved to Pearl's bedroom and woke her up.

"If you sleep too long, you won't have anything to do at night."

"Alright, doc. I'm up."

"Great. I have a surprise for you."

Her eyebrows shot up. "What is it?"

"Come out and see." Jesse left her room and stood off to the side. He turned and watched her cautiously walk out of her bedroom and look around.

The way her expression cleared and brightened almost immediately told Jesse that he'd done the right thing.

"Todd!" she exclaimed gaily and almost ran to the sofa.

"Hey there, gorgeous."

She sat down and leaned toward the laptop.

"Hm, you don't look so good," he said.

Pearl made a face and said, "I know!"

"Have you tried Oil of Olay?" he said deadpan.

Pearl's eyes opened wide. "Why you-"

Jesse closed the door behind him and headed off to his room. Todd had promised to keep her busy for at least an hour. So he was going to take a swim in the Olympic size indoor pool.

Spending the day with Pearl had been great, but it was a little difficult for him to be both doctor and family, especially with the latest development on his side. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. She was already in a position where she had to open herself up to him as a doctor and still encounter him in social situations. He wouldn't make this awkward for both of them while he was still trying to figure out what was going on.

Taking himself away from her might be the best thing for him to do… she was safe in her room for the time being, anyway.