Private Invitations

"Finally!" Barrett called out. "I skipped food with the boys at the firehouse for Aunt Viv's spread. I'm starving."

Jesse grinned and apologised, helping his mother and Pearl into their seats.

"Such a gentleman," Genevieve murmured beside him teasingly when he sat down to her left.

He just shook his head with a smile.

Gunhills and Murrays enjoyed a hearty meal together then went to sit in the large living room. When they were all settled, Sam asked, "Jesse, have you made a decision about staying in California?"

His older brother shook his head. "Nothing has changed since the last time you asked me. When I've made up my mind, you'll be one of the first to know."

Everyone was looking at him, so he smiled. "Let's not talk about me potentially leaving. Aren't we here to celebrate Pearl coming back and away from the grips of death?" he teased.

Pearl laughed and rolled her eyes. "In that case I might only be back because you saved me from myself."

Jesse grinned and winked. "You might just…"

That made Pearl laugh even harder. "You promised, Jesse," she warned once, after a moment.

Raising his hands, he said, "I did. I was simply agreeing with you. That's all I'm saying, I swear." His smiled was directed at her. "I keep my promises."

Eyeing him half seriously, she nodded. "Good."

The rest of Jesse's family watched the exchange in silence. Cindy was the first to notice and so she spoke up.

"Would you two mind switching to a topic we all understand?"

Pearl's eyes widened. Before she could say anything, Barrett burst out laughing. "Not your subtlest moment, babe."

She flashed perfect white teeth. "I wasn't trying very hard, darling."

Jesse was aware that they had just had a completely private exchange in front of the very people who had been teasing him relentlessly about a phantom relationship with Pearl. He was not helping his case very much.

"Sorry guys," Jesse said.

Vivienne shook her head once and said, "No problem, honey. We'll never be able to tell you how glad we all are that you were able to take care of Pearl." Pause. "Both of you seem no worse for the wear after the experience."

Pearl smiled. "He definitely made it all easier. And more fun."

Jesse could feel all their eyes return to his face. He resisted shifting in his chair or rolling his eyes. He knew Pearl didn't mean anything by what she'd just said. She was probably referring to the games and video chats he'd arranged.

He wasn't going to dwell on it or let his family speculate. If they did what they had done to him the other week now, he may not tolerate it as well as he had then. And he didn't want them to include Pearl in the mess. She probably wouldn't appreciate that kind of attention and teasing. So Jesse picked a safe topic.

"Tell them about Sahara and how you put the Brazilian bombshell in her place," he chuckled.

His prompt elicited a similar laugh from Pearl and she moved the conversation along successfully.

"There's another sports camp coming up next week," Pearl said, one foot poised on the edge of her car door frame. "We have space for one more, if you want to come along."

Jesse had walked Pearl to her car. The dinner and time together was winding down. Barrett, Cindy and Todd had already left. Even though the gathering was for her, Pearl had an early start the following morning.

Now he said, "As much as I would love to accept the invitation, I don't think I can. I've a trip to New York scheduled."

"Oh, okay." Pause. "Another interview?"

"Yeah. This one is up there on the rankings with the Como Rosario Institution."

"Really? Then you must be looking forward to going."

"I can't deny that," he said softly.

"Then I won't ask you to choose."

Jesse regarded her with slight surprise. "You considered doing it?"

"Certainly," she gave him a winning smile. "Having a hot doctor on call has come in handy in the not so distant past."

His worry almost made him ask her if she was concerned about her own health. But he managed to hold his tongue and force a smile. "Ouch. I feel like a pound of flesh when you talk like that."

Pearl actually giggled at that. Jesse felt a piece of his heart escape his chest and land at her feet.

"You know you're so much more than just a pound," she assured him. Leaning forward, she kissed his cheek and then got in her car.

Jesse barely managed to close the door and wave her off casually.

Of course, when he went inside, his sister-in-law teased him a little.

"Did you give the pearl a kiss good bye?"

Jesse sat down and leaned back comfortably. "Nope."

Dana opened her mouth to say something else but shut it again when she heard her brother-in-law say, "She kissed me," and point at his cheek that actually had a faint pink smudge on it from her lip colour.

Jesse sent a picture of the view from his hotel room. It was in exchange for the photo Pearl had sent of the lovely mountains she said he would be missing. The email had made him smile.

He'd just returned from a meeting with the board of the hospital he was looking into joining. Though they desperately wanted him on their team, they'd grilled him thoroughly about his options, his professional preferences and many other things.

This pleased him but it also meant he was tired at the end of their meeting. So Pearl's name on his screen had never been more welcome. After sending her a short response, and the picture, he took a shower and got ready for a night out with some old friends. This time of job searching had given him some much-needed time off and an opportunity to travel and reconnect with people he hadn't seen since medical school. It reminded him of why he had come back to the US in the first place and made all the long hours worth it.