Chapter 8 : Wolf Howl

Nie begins to laugh heartily but stops a few seconds after it because of his injuries" Twice in a row I got beaten up but at least I now know that I'm not the only survivor." Menti looks at Nie "Yes, I thought I had to build up my army from scratch but who could've known that one of my army members was here already." He smiles "Hehe, but I think that's enough with the small talk, Nie, I need you to do something and I think you will do it because I just saved your life…. There is also another option, but I think you'd rather not choose that one. " He turns around and begins to walk "Now follow me little Nie, we don't have all day."

And thus Menti walked deeper into the forest, not waiting for a reply from Nie. He sighs and follows Menti shortly after with some difficulties. ''Not so quick Menti, I'm still injured you know?'' Nie shouts at him. Menti stops for a moment and throws a small bottle to him. ''Inside are some healing pills, use them.''

Nie catches the bottle and opens it up and a medical fragrance comes out ''eeeh… they smell like the medicine that you get from your grandma when you are sick. Okay only bad smelling medicine helps really." He takes out a pill and throws it into his mouth.

He feels the pill dissolving the moment it enters his stomach. He can feel how the medical energy flows throughout his body and how it heals some minor wounds. // It really helps but…. with a side effect// Nie sighs internally because he noticed how the pill left some impurities behind.

//Naturally it left some impurities behind, young Ni. The pill you swallowed is on a level that can only be called trash in my eyes// Azur says in his head. // Oh and good for you that you found a comrade from the same world but watch out, his technique is way different than yours.... it has demonic aspects.//

//Demonic… mh that is normal he even calls himself a demon, so I wouldn't find it strange if he wouldn't cult a technique with some demonic attributes. But still thanks for the reminder Senior Azur// Nie Continues to follow Menti through the forest until they arrive at an opening.

The Opening is quite big and as only some plants are there the rest is just lifeless and filled with rocks. in the middle of the opening there is a hole with a 10 meter diameter. The Holes were on three sides, being the only ways to get out there. On the ground of the hole, which is 8 Meter deep, there is a cave entrance filled with bones and you can see some dried up blood too.

"Menti, what are we going to do there ? " Nie asks in a scared tone " Oh you are wrong there, it is you, I will be staying up here." With that Menti pushes Nie into the hole. " Wait WHAAAAAAA" Nie Falls down into the hole but lands on some bushes and survives the fall.

"Screw you Menti, why did you do that" He yells towards him." Easy because you need to go into the cave and bait the beast inside of it to get outside. I can't do that because I can't see in that cave." " Then why should I be able to see in there ? " Nie asks confused

"Oh easy you have working eyes while I am blind. " Nie looks confused and shocked at him " Then how the hell were you able to get here so easily ?" " That I will tell you after you brought the beast outside.

Nie grumbles // I have to do it, Even if I return up he will probably push me down again. How I hate this, hell! Even in the Game he was like that// Nie sighs and walks towards the cave entrance and looks into it and its Darkness// Nope not scared at all //

Nie walks into it and at the beginning he can´t see a thing because his eyes still need to get used to the darkness but he can see some rough outlines of things that look like armors.// …. this beast ate humans…. //

A few minutes after he entered his eyes got used to the darkness and he knew that he f*** up, this cave is filled with bones and rotten flesh and what made him feel even more scared was that he found some scraps of Wolf nose herbs, that meant that there was a High percentage that in this cave was a Demonic Wolf.

//Screw you Menti you may have saved my life but that doesn't mean you can directly push me in an other dangerous situation.// He walks deeper into the cave and notices that there are some marks on the Walls left behind by Claws, Maces, Sword, spears and some other weapons.

20 Minutes after he entered the cave Nie hears a sound *Snoring* when he heard that sound his heart stopped for a moment and then he continued to walk deeper into the cave and only a few seconds after he heard that sound he already found the being to whom the snore belonged to.

It was a 4 meter tall and a 3 meter long Wolf with blackish fur. The fur was filled with some red spots, on some other spots it was shaved down to the skin and you could see some scars. Most of them were at the belly and his hind legs. On his face where some scars too most of the around is mouth and you could see how disfigured his nose was.

// Oh interesting so my gut feeling was right. Nie, this wolf in front of you may be a low ranked Demonic beast but it holds a special position in this forest. The position of a Ruler.// //What! a Ruler ?!? that sounds dreadful// Nie steps back while asking Azur// And how do you know that ?//

// Easy the Natural qi that comes from this forest is coming by itself to this beast and the only beings that can do that are beings with Special constitutions, Special Techniques or a Ruler of a Specific area// // Okay then I should leave right ? he is a Ruler and he is probably way stronger than I am //

Nie says to Azur // In Normal situations you would already be Dead but this situation is different, this ruler has received a Mortal injury and he is Strength regressed to the Peak Power level of the Muscle Forging Period you may be far away from that level but he won't use that much power on you because he needs to preserve it//

//Oh sad… why does he need to preserve it // as he asks that he sees something moving in between the legs of the Ruler. The thing that frees itself from the legs of the Ruler is a small pup and its fur is as black as the night. // A cub …. this Beast is preserving its strength to protect its cub ?// // Yes young Nie but it seems it is failing. These subs are young, too young, they probably were born prematurely and couldn't grow strong enough//

As Azur says that, the Ruler suddenly opens its eyes and looks at Nie " AAAHHHOOOOOOOUUUU" Nie gets blasted away by this single howl" Shit…." The ruler stands up and beneath him Nie sees the dead bodies of six cubs, while the wolf stood up the body of another wolf, that seems smaller than him, reveals itself.

The only thought that run through Nies mind in that moment was //Run// Nie put all his power in his legs and ran out of the cave. He ran a bit and didn't turn around but he knew that the Ruler was behind him because of the occasionals howls he could hear.

"MENTI NOW ITS YOUR TURN" Nie Yells right after the moment he escapes the Cave and continues to run towards one of the ways out of the hole but then he gets hit by his stick that Menti carried " No Nie you will fight to prove you're worthy to be a member of the demon mountain." " Menti this is not a joke I can't beat that beast it is a Ruler Beast you know what that is ? " "Naturally I, the great Menti, know and do you know what I, the great Menti, want you to do. I don't care about it, this Beast is weakened, it will be a great training opportunity for you" and as he ended his sentence a loud howl came out of the cave "AHHHOOOUUUU" and a gigantic wolfs broke out of it.

The moment before in the cave it already looked domineering but now where the sun is shining down onto the body of the wolf and its shadow is covering Nie it looks even more Domineering. " Hell no….."

Nie felt shivers all over the body but goes in a fighting position // I hate Menti for that, but he is kind of right, this Ruler is weakened and if I step down now I would never be able to face even greater Enemies// Nie breaths slowly in and he slowly calms down "Hey Ruler Wolf! here I am now come and fight me" Nie yells and looks deep into the eyes of the wolf.

The wolf looks at him and Howls but the strange thing is the howl doesn´t sound angry as if he was pissed that a Weakling was challenging him but it sounded like he was itching for the fight.

The Wolfs Begins to Breath in and then Releases a Loud howl directed at him, this time Nie was prepared and rolled to the side, luckily his fat somewhat protected him from any injuries right now.// aha some benefits of being fat// he says happily in his mind and waits for the next move of the Wolf.

The wolf looks at him and attacks him with his claws. Nie again evades it but this time he got some scratches and a small injury. " Is that all you can do Wolf even my Grandma is Stronger than you" Nie says and the wolf snorts.

The wolf readies himself and suddenly jumps towards Nie. Nie didn´t see that coming and was caught beneath the wolf's Paw. The wolf was pressing down on Nie // Again… I spoke too fast// Nie looks towards Menti and sees a disinterested face // Nope he won't help.. come on Nie I know you can do that // he says to himself while breathing gets more difficult because the Wolf presses down with more force. Nie looks at the paw and suddenly notices a wound close to him that doesn't seem fully healed yet.

//I can only try it out or die// he thinks and moves his Staff and thrust it into the wound, the wound really wasn't healed up yet because of that even with Nie´s little strength he could penetrate it.

The Ruler howls out and lifts his paw. Nie uses that moment to roll away and looks at it. // damn that was close I think I should try to evade pressure… wait pressure ? Right, why didn't I think of that before. I need to try that out later when I am safe // // Why try it out later when you can do it now it could give you even greater benefits while you fight // says Azur in his head and Nie nods // Right… I was pushed down here to train so I shall do it// Suddenly Nie closes his eyes and Both the Ruler and Menti notice that he began to cultivate.

As the Wolf sees that he gets a bit angry but then his mouth moves in something like what looks like a smile and the confused Menti too begins to smile. Nie begins to Cultivate the same way as before but now he adds something. Nie's training method with the Energy layer on his skin and Soul was good because it gave him an overall and more evenly distributed Training, but it had some drawbacks. Some areas of the Energy layer lost focus and did not destroy the impurities with the same effect as in some other areas but now he had an idea to fix that.

And the Solution is that he uses the Normal method with his method, he creates the Energy layer above his Skin and Soul and then uses the normal method above this Layer to create pressure that presses the energy down on his skin in an evenly way.

As he cultivated this way he notices that the pain increased by 1.5 times but it was still bearable and he began to smile because he even felt that his cultivation progressed and his foundations growing stronger. " Now Wolf… give me pressure, I want to find out what errors I'm doing in this way"

He yells and goes in a Fighting stance and runs towards the Ruler. The moment he moved he noticed how he lost control in some areas because of not fully focusing on cultivating and how he's moving in a slower way because of the pain.

The Wolf having the same expression of before howls at him and Nie barely evades it making some of his clothes getting destroyed. Nie smiles and holds his staff in a thrusting position and jumps while thrusting his staff towards one of the wolf paws. The Wolf was shocked and didn´t react fast enough and so Nie's attack landed on its paw that was already injured from before and it howled again but that isn't where Nie stops, he quickly turns himself while pulling out his staff and ramming it against the leg of the Wolf.

The wolf's leg gives in and he falls down and Nie gets pushed away from the air that gets pressed from the falling. " Haha, I, somewhat, am fighting it " Nie says while breathing heavily and holding on to his cultivation technique. He steps forward towards the wolf and the wolf looks at him.

The Wolfs eyes turn into a demonic expression and it suddenly bites after Nie. Nie gets caught and the Wolfs bites onto his Left Arm. "AAAAAAA" Nie yells and punches the wolf's Mouth and tries to free his arm. But the Wolf doesn't let go and only bites even deeper while its Teeth slowly turns red.

Nie Begins to cry in pain and stops punching the wolf's mouth.//I will let not get myself beaten up by this wolf// He says in his mind and tightens his grip around his staff that is in his right hand and slams it into the wolfs Nose.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOUUUUUUU" The Wolf Howls and moves his head upwards, Nie, still caught in his mouth, flies upward. Because the mouth is now open Nie's arm gets free and he looks at it. it is strangely barely injured, just some teeth marks and open skin that peels. // How and why// Nie continues to fly and catches himself in mid air landing on his legs, besides Menti.

"I trained enough Menti, I need to meditate on my gains Okay ?" " Sure Nie, you already did enough and the Wolf already stopped seeing you as an enemy, it seems it is my time to fight now and it will be a fight to the death it won't be a little game like with my friend here.'' He points at Nie and then looks towards the Wolf" Do you understand, wolf?" He says in a cold tone.

The Wolf Looks at him and his eyes turn focused and he begins to step in front of his cave. " Do you think I care about it, wolf, and do you take me to be stupid?" Nie looks at Menti confused as he said that and then he realized who he meant with it.

"But Menti, it's just a cub and it doesn't even have much time left. Why do you want to kill him ?" Menti looks towards Nie with his cold eyes that are gray " You just don't understand but fine, I will explain it to you. I want to kill him because we are Fighters and Fighters want to die in battle and not while he protects his cubs in a cave where no beast would dare to come in." He looks towards the cave where the six dead cubs lie and the only living standing.

"This cub doesn't even try to get stronger and that disgusts me so I shall give it a reason" He drew his weapon, a long branch shaped into a spear, it didn't look exquisite or anything, it was just a branch shaped into a spear, and jumps down into the hole. " And Kill its father in front of it and show that all weaklings shall die in front of my Eyes."

As Nie hears that he can´t feel anything other than shock and the wish to stop Menti but he suppresses it because he knows that he can´t beat Menti and because he knows that even what Menti wanted to do is wrong it's normal in this world. It is the Law of the Jungle the Strong life the Weak die.