"The Lost and The Loser"

[Valse - Evgeny Grinko

"The heart has its own reasons that the mind can never understand."


Mr. Bullock, Bruce, and I were in front of the largest pyramid in Egypt right now. Tom and Gwen went to the college and release only the prisoners for now. While the tourists were taking pictures of the pyramid and walking around, we were reviewing possible plans. While Mr. Bullock was explaining how to get into the pyramid, I got a taste of blood again, but I didn't care.

"Bruce and I will cast the teleporting spell, which is the best spell to get inside the pyramid. There may be traps inside the pyramid. So we have to be careful. Deal?"


The word I said quietly was an indication that I was not ready. I was feeling nauseous and my mouth tasted blood. I was seriously not ready for this, but there was nothing to do. We should have entered the pyramid now.