Since Rumi and I have officially befriended each other, we've talked a lot more than before. Even Mineta started trying to hang out with the other girls (to no success) because Rumi spent most of the time with me.
"Alright class. The time has come for your outdoor training as I've specified last week." Mr. Aizawa tells us in the first class of the day.
"Rumi and Tenshi, your hero suits are ready, so you'll be able to join the training with everyone else."
Rumi and I become super hyped up.
"Since we have 2 extra students who'll be doing the training with, I'll put you in groups of 2 instead of the regular 5. Today we'll only be focusing on one-to-one training and then next week we'll go onto whole group training. Here are the teams." Mr. Aizawa puts the teams on the screen and we see that Rumi and I are on the same team! Naturally.
"Please get changed into your hero suits in the gym changing rooms and meet me out in the field in 10 minutes. You may go now."
Everyone starts getting ready to go to the changing rooms. I quickly go over to Rumi and high five him.
"We're finally going to be doing something!" I say, energy radiating from every pore of my skin.
"I know! Finally! I was thinking if we would do anything productive than all this writing and researching." Rumi answers.
"Anyway, we better hurry and change. I'll see you in the field when you're done."
"See you then." Rumi agrees and he runs off to the changing room.
I smile and start to also walk downstairs until Kirishima stops by me as I'm walking.
"Hey did you hear the rumour?" He whispers.
"Rumour? What rumour?" I ask, not knowing what he could be referring to.
"About you and Rumi."
"A rumour about us? What are they saying?" I ask, intrigued to know what all the others are saying about Rumi and I.
"Kirishima! Are you coming?" Kaminari shouts to Kirishima from a few steps ahead of us.
"Coming!" Kirishima shouts back.
"Try to hear what others are saying first about you and Rumi before it gets too much." He finishes off the conversation and walks away.
I have stopped walking and now I'm thinking what on earth could those rumours be? I hope they're not anything else than what I think they could be.
Shrugging off what Kirishima said, I run off to change into my fresh and cool looking hero suit, at last!
x x x x x
"Woah!" Deku gasps as soon as I've put on my hero suit for the very first time!
My suit consists of a grey turtle neck with navy blue baggy trousers, some belted accessories on top of my top with hidden pockets in my trousers to hide things and keep things save.
When I was designing my hero outfit, I was thinking of getting a backpack or something to carry at the back of my back but that would interfere with my ability to fight and move freely so I left it out.
"You look as if you're ready for an adventure!" Kaminari gawps.
"Heh, thanks. Your hero suit looks cool too. Lots of yellow!" I say.
"To be honest, if I could change it, I would. However, this hero suit helps me with my quirk and besides...I've had it so long that it would feel weird to wear anything else."
"That makes sense." I nod.
"Guys, we better get to the field before Mr. Aizawa tells us off and we get cleaning duty." Tokoyami tells everyone.
We quickly head off to join the girls on the field and I see everyone else there. I look for Rumi and spot him.
He's wearing a short play suit with purple and black kind of water droplets imprinted on it. He's also wearing some high boots that look like they were made from Space. He also has some striped purple gloves with the fingers showing and a fashionable belt on his right leg that I've seen some girls on Earth wear.
"Woaw Rumi!" I say, impressed by his clothing choice.
"It looks awesome, right? I didn't expect the material to come out this good. And it all works out together...but the best one here is yours! Those belted had the same idea as I did didn't you?" Rumi says.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I include them after we won the Belt Fighting Championship back home?" I answer.
"Alright class. Since you're next to the person that I have assigned for you for today's outdoor training, I want you to pick a part of the field and test out your quirks as we discussed in class. Try to figure out ways to improve your quirk in a limited space without hurting anyone. Okay, you're free to go now." Mr. Aizawa tells us our task for today.
Rumi and I quickly go to the farthest side of the field and start to plan out how we're going to get our quirks to come out when we don't know how or what they'll even be.
"Okay, so what have we learned so far about ourselves whilst being in this world?" Rumi ponders.
"I have good brute strength, my speed is high and my agility is pretty good too. What about you?" I say.
"Well, I know my throwing aim is great, as you've seen on the first day we came here."
I nod, remembering when Rumi threw the rock at the others when they were training last week just because he was bored and wanted some part of the action.
"But I've also learned another skill about myself that I haven't had before." Rumi says.
"What is it?" I ask, intrigued.
"I can turn different items into rocks by will..." He tells me.
"Wait...really?" I get excited.
"Yeah." He takes a piece of grass and throws it in the air. When it comes down, it had turned into a rock.
"That's awesome! Does that mean you've already found your quirk?"
"I think so. I mean, I'm new to the subject of quirks but I think this is it for me. Turning objects into rocks must have started from when I decided to throw that rock last Wednesday." Rumi chuckles.
"But I don't just turn them into rocks, that just sounds boring. I can also change the size of the rocks but only to the size of a tablet unfortunately and the shape is always different and I don't have control over that." He explains.
"But that's still really cool. I'm sad I don't have a quirk yet but I'm super happy to know you've got one."
"I'm sure you'll get one soon. Maybe you'll get it today fighting against me?" Rumi looks at me with a smug look on it's face.
"Oh it's on." I say, happy to accept his challenge.
We face each other and get ready to see who is the strongest out of us both.
A visit to Aoyama - Diary entry by Tenshi
After Rumi and I made up from not being friends, we decided to visit Aoyama in the infirmary because he has been there for about three days there already.
When we opened the door, we saw Mina, Ochaco and Tokoyami just about to walk out.
"Hi Tenshi, Hi Rumi. You're here to see Aoyama too?" Ochaco asked us.
"Yeah. We thought that since he's our classmate, it would be better to visit him instead and keeping him company." I said.
"Well, we're done here so you can take your time." Mina told us before heading out of the room with the others.
I nodded as they past and looked at Aoyama sitting in the bed.
"Hey Aoyama. How have you been?" I asked.
"I've been feeling better thanks to your help. I was really surprised when I got kidnapped unexpectedly but to have you save me when you did, I really owe you." He looked at me with stars in his eyes and a face that screamed 'You're the best!'
"I didn't even do much." I said, felling flattered to hear words of praise directed towards me.
"No, but you did everything and now you're my hero." He complimented me more, making me blush with shyness and happiness.
"Alright guys. I didn't come here to hear you praise each other for 10 minutes. I'm Maru Rumiere. I'm introducing myself again because we haven't talked to each other and we barely know each other but I hope we can get to become friends." Rumi said as he gave his gift to Aoyama.
Aoyama looked inside the box Rumi gave and saw a snow globe with a mini Aoyama eating a croissant inside.
"Merci Rumi. This is the best gift I've gotten so far today."
So he had received better gifts before today...
"I also got you something." I handed him a small box, similar to the one Rumi gave.
Aoyama opened it to reveal a plushie keyring of a pony.
"Thank you Rumi and Tenshi for the gifts. I will keep them treasured forever." He said, embracing them in a hug.
"Of course. It wasn't any hassle." Rumi replied.
"And you deserved it after what you had been through." I added.
We smile and talk some more before leaving Aoyama to rest some more and heading back to our dorms.
And that's what happened at our visit to Aoyama.