
I'm currently sitting while listening to our professor. I gasped when someone enters this room. I bit my lower lip when I saw Kyle that was walking to my place. I gasped when he sat beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"You don't care, I will punish you because of what happened earlier," he hissed.

"You don't care, I will punish you," I mimicked him.

I looked at my right side and I saw Tiffany that was looking at me and then at Kyle. She bit her lower lip before she looked away. Arghh! This girl!

I was stunned when someone kicked my foot. I looked down and I saw the right foot of Kyle. I glanced at him and he suddenly looked away.

I shrugged my shoulders before I looked at our professor. My eyes widened when he kicked my foot again. Arghh! What is his problem?!

"Stop it," I whispered.

I was about to look again to our prof. when he kicked my foot again. Okay! Do you want a fight huh?!

"I said stop!" I shouted.

My face turns like a tomato when our professor and my block mates looked at me.

"What is your problem, Miss Mendoza?" our prof. asked.

"Nothing Sir, I'm sorry,"

He shakes his head before he continued our lesson. I glanced at Kyle and he chuckled.

"You fool," I whispered.

He makes face at me before he looked away. Ewww!

My eyes widened when he kicked my foot again, he is getting into my nerves! It's time for my revenge!

I kicked his foot too but I was shocked when he kicked mine too. We started to kick each other's feet when someone shouted.

We stopped and we looked at our professor.

"What are you doing Miss Mendoza and Mr. Zamora?!"

"N-nothing sir," I said. I'm so nervous. Oh no!

"Nothing?! You two are distracting my class and you will say nothing huh?!" I was stunned when he punched the table.

"I-I'm sorry S-sir," I said.

"No need to say sorry, I will forgive you if you can answer this very difficult question,"

Our lesson is all about algebra so I can answer it because, for me, it's very easy.

I nodded before I stood up. I go to the front and I grabbed the marker before I answer the question.

After two minutes, I'm done!

I turned my back and I looked at them questioningly. Why are their eyes widened? It's very easy for me so it takes two minutes for me. I think for them it takes half an hour or 15 minutes? I don't know.

I shrugged my shoulders before I gave the marker to our professor.

"Bravo Miss Mendoza! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you," I said.

I went back to my seat. I sit down and I pinched Kyle's cheek before I rolled my eyes at him.

"Say thank you because I save you," I whispered.

"Whatever," he said.

I smirked before I looked to our prof.


Oh yeah! My classes were all finished! I can go home! Yeah! I fixed my things before I looked at my best friend.

"Let's go?" I asked.

"Come on!" she said.

We are currently walking when she suddenly looked at me.

"You're so amazing earlier, I wonder if what happens between you two?" she asked.

"He is getting into my nerves, he kicked my foot many times! I think he is crazy!"

"Yeah, he's crazy,"

"You think so?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's crazy because of you!" she laughed.

I hit her head before I walked faster than her.

"Hey! I'm just kidding! Wait for me!"

I stopped and I looked at her.

"It's not a good joke,"

"Hahaha! Okay, as you say so,"

We stopped at the front of the gate and I saw my driver that is already waiting for me.

"Bye! I'm going now!" I waved my hands at her.

"Okay! Take care!" I kissed her cheeks before I walked away.

I get into our car and he started to drive. Eventually, I get down and I went into our house. I went upstairs and I opened the door to my room. I went inside and I put my bag on the table.

I lay down on my bed. I frown when I remembered Kyle. That stupid man! Why is he always irritating me huh?! Does he have a crush on me?!

I touched my cheeks when I felt heated. Oh, dear! I don't have a crush on him! Wait! What am I thinking?! Aish! Stop it! I slap my face.

"Ouch!" I said. You're so stupid self! Why did you slap yourself?! I shake my head before I get up.

I locked my door before I removed my clothes, I entered my bathroom and I started to take a shower. After that, I brushed my teeth before I went out to my bathroom.

I wore my clothes before I sat on my chair. I looked at myself in the mirror. I get my comb and I started to comb my hair.

"I'm so pretty!"

I ponytail my hair before I went downstairs.

"Yaya! I want food! Faster!" I shouted.

"Yes señorita," she said.

I sat on our couch before I grabbed the remote control that is on the center table. I turned on the television before I leaned on this couch.

"Señorita here's your food," she said before she put my food on the center table.

"I want an orange juice,"

I get the plate that was containing a slice of cake. I started to eat it and my eyes widened when it's taste delicious.


"Señorita here's your juice," I pointed to the center table.

She nodded before she put it on the center table.

I was lazily laying down on this couch when I finished my food. I turn off the television and I was about to close my eyes when I saw the face of Kyle in my mind.

I quickly get up, I touched my chest, and my heartbeat is so fast! What the heck is happening in my life?!