Two Decades Ago

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While Zeirenne and Jin spent their entire day reminiscing their past, Dylan had to fill in their schedule as usual. The only thing different today was that he was not alone, and a threatening man had been following him all around. He did his rounds on dozens of floors, briefing their employees about some changes around the company. After the announcement of ZA International's collaboration with CF&H, lots of things had to be put into action. All throughout his work, Miura Takumi walked behind him with his hands inside his pockets. Even with his back turned to this underground boss, he could feel Miura Takumi's gaze, as if trying to remember someone he knew from the past.

"Are you gonna keep on following me all day?" Dylan asked without looking back to Miura Takumi. He checked his watch and flipped another folder open. "You're the boss of an infamous underground organization, doesn't it feel humiliating having to follow a mere assistant around?"