Yin Yang of Life

"In the Yin Yang of Life, there's the good, there's the bad, there's the bad in the good, and the good in the bad. Balance can only be achieved with this principle..."

. . .

After the devastating news broke, Zeirenne felt a burdensome emotion churning inside her. Sensing this, Jin decided to take her home.

"Aren't you going back to work? It's still too early," she asked him.

"No, I'll stay with you."

Upon reaching the penthouse, Zeirenne opened her door but before she could even enter, Jin ruffled her hair, "Don't worry about it. She'll be alright."

He knew exactly how her mind works. She didn't know who Farrah Young was, but felt concerned nevertheless.

Jin watched her getting inside and furrowed his eyebrows when she stepped back. She faced him and by the look on her face, he knew it was a request he can never decline.



"Can you make sure she's safe?"

Jin smiled, a reassuring one. "If that can put you at ease... then I'd gladly oblige. I'm a doctor after all." He stepped forward, flicking her forehead, "Leave everything to me, Young Miss."

Zeirenne watched him walking away before stepping inside her room.

She was in the middle of changing her clothes when she heard a knock on the door. From the beat alone, she predicted it was not from someone she knew.

She opened the door to see an unknown man in his black shirt standing right in front of her.

"Are you Miss Zhi Lin?"

Zeirenne stared at the man who was right in front of her. He was a stranger to her, but his eyes weren't. She'd seen those eyes before—countless times actually. The eyes of a crazy stalker.

"O-oh. I am Zhi Lin... can I help you with something?" she said in a submissive manner.

The man took this as a cue. He took out a handkerchief from his pockets before maneuvering his hands all the way to cover her mouth.

"HMMM! HMMMM!" she screamed helplessly before falling into his arms.

* * *

On the other hand...

Not a minute of driving down the hallway, something caught Willy's attention. Left on his backseat was a beaded bracelet with the name RINA carved. Without thinking twice, he u-turned down the highway, heading for the hospital once again.

Upon arrival, he entered emergency room to find different people struggling for their lives. He was a cold-blooded killer who killed his victims with a single bullet. One shot, one kill was his motto; and this his last bit of mercy for them.

He walked inside to find himself on the foot a patient's bed. He approached one man who was weeping loudly in front of his daughter. "Are you her guardian?"

The man looked up.

"O-oh yes I'm her guardian," the man said, wiping the tears off his face, "Do you need something?"

Willy took the bracelet from his suit pocket, "She dropped this."

The man's eyes flickered, "O-oh! Are you the man who brought Rina here?! Thank you so much for your help! If it weren't for you I don't know what could've happened!"

The man took Willy's hand, clasping it in a tight grip. "If you ever need something, I don't know if I can help much but please call me."

Willy felt something slipped inside his hands, he took one look at a calling card with the name : Pedro Dominguez—White Scoop Entertainment Journalist.

Before Pedro can ask for his name, a loud beeping interrupted their conversation. They both had to look back to Rina who was having a cardiac arrest.

Pedro hurried back to her side, calling for the nurses and all the saints he'd ever known. Praying, for the first time in a long while, that his daughter can be spared from her demise.

The nurses rushed and the doctors too.

"Please save my daughter!" he begged everyone as he was pushed to the side with the nurses calming him down.

In front of his very eyes, he watched her heartbeat falling. But Rina was not the only one holding on to her dear life. Farrah Young too.

As the doctors tried reviving the two girls, the room was filled with tension. There was commotion all around, and there were lots of reporters outside waiting for Farrah Young's condition.

About to step out from all the noise, Willy took a step back just to stop on his track.

"She needs blood transfusion. Do you have the same blood type?" one of the doctors asked Pedro, and he shook his head with worry.

"N-no I'm not b-negative. W-why? D-don't tell me... don't tell me..."

The doctor looked at him with a sad but calm expression. "I'm sorry but one of our patients lost a lot of blood. We had to use the supply from our blood bank. Her blood is a rare type after all."

He followed the doctor's gaze and it landed on Farrah Young's bed.

Pedro felt his knees shaking. This was his karma, he knew. Emotions flushed him.

"If I didn't leak that news my daughter would have enough blood for herself!"

As the magnitude of his actions started weighing him down, he heard someone speak behind him.

"I am blood type b-negative," someone said behind his back and he saw Willy standing, offering his blood.

His eyes glimmered with hope and he watched in awe as a man who was a stranger to him, had his blood drawn just to save his daughter's life. He'd never expect this man to be someone he's looked down on his whole life... a cold-blooded gangster. But when he looked at other bed, a curtain away from his daughter's, he started realizing: "When did I become like this? I'm worse than a cold-blooded killer. Is it too late to go back now?"

He just wanted to plead for forgiveness and put his life back together. But when is it too late too turn back?

After a couple of hours, everything was settled, and both girls were saved. Pedro thanked the doctor who saved his daughter's life. He then offered his thanks to his god, vowing to fix the broken roads he'd taken.

"In this life of goodness and badness, you can choose your side. Just don't let it choose you."

He watched Farrah Young's mother thanking the doctor who saved her daughter's life. This poor idol was in a critical state. If it weren't for this hospital's top doctor, she would've fallen to her demise.

"Thank you for saving my daughter's life, young man." Mrs. Young said, "Can you tell me your name?"

The doctor smiled underneath his mask, "It's my job, Mrs. Young... You can call me Doctor Yang..."

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