Winter Wonderland

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Zeirenne headed for her room. She's been awake for almost three days straight. This night, she was determined to force her eyelids shut.

After taking a cold shower, she changed into her strawberry pajamas before slumping herself on the fluffy bed. As she laid there flat, her eyes surveyed the entire room. Just like the lobby and the dining hall, everything looked luxurious. The bed felt so soft it reminded her of her cloudy bed from childhood.

For a few minutes, she let her eyes wander around the room before reminding herself she needed sleep.

She started slapping her face to get herself together. "Come on Zeirenne, just close your eyes and sleep. You have an unknown day tomorrow. That Miura Takumi will probably make you do all sorts of exhausting work. Now sleep."

She prayed before tucking herself on the comforter. Everything was going well for a few minutes, but as she was about to drift off into wonderland, her ears moved. She heard a subtle, subtle sound of movement. In an instance, her senses spiked up and she was fully conscious once again.

"I don't even care if I get murdered right now. Urgh," she ranted, "I just need to sleep, Man. Now if you, my beloved senses, can shut yourselves down, that would be great."

Eventually, she found herself sitting straight up—eyeing the balcony.

"Don't let me catch you."

She jumped out of bed, heading towards the balcony. She slid the door open but before she could step out completely in pursuit of her intruder, a strong arm locked her head. Her assailant was standing behind her, covering her mouth. She raised her arms and swung it down hard to elbow her assailant right into the gut.

"Ouch. How ruthless."

She faced Jin who was rubbing his stone-hard abdomen. As if his pain was not enough, she pinched his cheeks hard enough to make him flinch, "Ah!"

"What in the world are you doing here, Huh?"

When she finally let his cheeks go, Jin had to rub them to ease the burning sensation.

"I bet you know the answer to that question," he said before slumping down on her balcony's carpeted floor. He situated himself on the corner, and her jaw went agape.

"Excuse me?"

She looked down to watch Jin sitting comfortably on the floor as if he'd been meaning to stay there all night. That was indeed his plan.

"It's okay. Go inside. I'll be here to keep watch so you can sleep at ease."

Zeirenne had to rub her forehead. It was late, and she's been awake for too long. There was no bit of energy left to argue with him and so she surrendered.

"Tsk. Fine. If you wanna freeze to death then suit yourself."

She stepped inside her room before sliding the door shut. Once again, she tucked herself under the covers and forced her eyes shut.

With her eyes closed, her conscience was pricked. It was a cold night of late January, and the temperature outside dropped at negative Celsius. For the second time, she grumbled on her bed, stopping herself from letting out curses as she jumped out again.

"Tsk. This guy really really- urgh!"

She started untucking the comforter on the sides of her bed, dragging it on the floor as she headed for the balcony once again. She aggressively slid the glass window and stepped out to slam the weight of the comforter right on Jin's face.


Jin looked up to see her fuming from irritation. He smiled.

"Thanks. I appreciate the concern."

He just grinned at Zeirenne who was glaring down at him before something caught his eyes. He brought his gaze forward, and Zeirenne had to look behind her.

In that cold evening, the city lights were flashing fifteen floors below—on the streets of Russia.

There were people walking who had to stop themselves as the first snowflakes came falling down. Doors flung open as the kids who were inside their homes stepped into the open to greet this year's first snow. Even lovers were spreading their hands out to catch the frozen stars while wishing for their love's success before indulging themselves in each other's warmth.

Zeirenne leaned forward to the balcony. The cold metal froze her fingers as she clung on to the bar. She held on to it, tiptoeing with her palms out—as excited as the others to catch a snowflake.

Two hands grabbed her by the waist and she leaned forward even more.

"Tsk. You'll end up falling to your death just because of that snowflake," Jin mumbled as he held on to her, "God, Zeirenne. What am I supposed to do with you?"

"Shh. Just hold still. I'll include you in my wishes when I get one."

Jin shook his head out of disbelief before focusing on his job. He held on to her, stopping the urge to pull her into his embrace that exact moment. Was it the cold? Was it the scene? Was it the people influencing his head? Or was it his heart who just wanted to feel her warmth after a long time of missing it?

He subconsciously gripped the helms of her shirt. He knew the answer... and he knew that was not supposed to be it.

"Got it!"

Zeirenne turned abruptly after securing a snowflake inside her hand. There was no time for Jin to stand back and their heads were inches apart.

Just like the season, time froze for Jin right on that balcony. His ocean blue eyes gazed right into her joyful soul.

"Hey! Are you good?" With a smile on her face, she wriggled her fist in front of his face, "Yohoo! There's no way the cold froze your genius mind, did it?"

He let Zeirenne go before stepping backwards. She looked down to see his hands shaking.

"Oh you're shaking! Tsk," she grabbed his hand and slid the glass door open, but Jin pulled it right back, "No!"

Zeirenne eyed him, "If you don't wanna step inside then go back to your room. There's no way I'll let you die right on my balcony."

"I-I'm fine. I'm not that cold."

"You're not THAT cold? Tell me otherwise when your hands stop shaking!"

Jin clenched his fingers into a tight fist, "This is not because of the cold, silly."

"Then wha-? Ow!" Zeirenne glared at him while rubbing her forehead, "What was that flick for?!"

"You'll never understand," he said before slumping down on her balcony once again.

"Fine! If you wanna stay here then I'll stay with you. Let's freeze together."

"What? No! Go inside your roo-"

Zeirenne tucked herself in the comforter with him, and as her warmth seeped through his skin, he was left frozen once again.

"I-I..." Jin turned his flushed cheeks away from Zeirenne, "F-fine. Suit yourself," he stammered.

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