The Four Fitzgeralds

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Zeirenne drove out of ZA International. She was just about to start Tokyo-drifting into the freeway when her phone buzzed consecutively. Four times. She shook her head, already guessing whom the messages were from.

She veered Lala to the side before checking the messages.

Oneil Fitzgerald: I heard what happened. Meet me in the park. I'll be waiting. P.S. I'm sitting by the fountain.

Dos Fitzgerald: I heard the news. Meet me in the park. I'll be waiting. P.S. I'm by the slides.

Thirdy Fitzgerald: Wanna talk? Meet me inside Evergreen Park. You'll find me on the swing.

Four Fitzgerald: Yow! I heard you just got fired! If you wanna get your position back, Four's the answer! I'm pretty sure you know where I am. P.S. I'm toning my biceps on the monkey bar.

Zeirenne shook her head before speaking her commands to Lala, "Show me the shortest route to Evergreen Park, Lala."

"Time Calculated Route Displaying."

When the directions appeared on the screen, she immediately stepped on the gas. Within an hour, she reached Evergreen Park. She left Lala under the shade of a Willow tree.

One of the best things about this park lies on the pure nature. They don't have pavilions or sheds, instead, beautifully crowned trees keep everyone under the shade. Even the cars. There were also markings on how to park properly so you won't damage the roots.

Zeirenne started wallking her way towards the playground where all of them were situated. Seeing them all in one frame, she still couldn't fathom how they all looked different despite being identical twins.

The way they dress and acted, as well as the distinct vibes they had on their sleeves, could make a person recognize each and everyone of them from a distance. Before they could even greet her, Zeirenne raised a hand to acknowledge them one by one on their designated places.

"So Oneil's by the swing, Dos's by the fountain, Thirdy's on the slides, and only Four told me his correct location."

"And she guessed right!" Dos marveled.

"Urgh. I don't really know how you can distinguish us from one another," Thirdy said and Four nodded his head.

"Why don't you try changing your clothes?" Zeirenne suggested. "Let's see if I can guess who's who just depending on the vibe."

They all rubbed their chins to ponder on her suggestion.

"We'll try again next time, then," Oneil said while tapping the swing beside him. "Would you like to feel the breeze? I saved this swing for you." he offered.

Oneil was wearing his usual pastel-colored shirt paired with blue slacks. He always looked like the smiling type of guy with calm features. As if he'd never mind it if you stepped on his white shoes. He'll probably smile and nod his head with an "It's okay."

One time, Zeirenne slammed him on the floor by accident, he didn't even flinch. Instead, he just smiled at her, saying he was fine. Zeirenne concluded he could be another case of Congenital insensitivity to pain, or CIP--a rare condition that causes a person to not feel any pain. Or he was just a plain masochist.

Before Zeirenne could answer him, Dos did his part, "Na-ah. I'm sure this beautiful lady would love to sit here by the fountain with me."

Unlike Oneil who seemed like the boy-next-door type, Dos differed from him greatly. He always acted poetic and majestic like he's been pulled out of a royal storybook. You can imagine him sniffing flowers on the garden while his finger tips followed the butterflies. He'd be someone surrounded with sparkles if he was ever drawn as a Manga character.

"If you would ever desire it, this young man can ask the ever respectable management of this lovely place to turn their colorful lights on. Just for this lovely day with milady." he winked at Zeirenne and she shook her head with a subtle smile on her lips.

"Oh... you're smiling now?" Four teased her.

She rolled her eyes and decided to retaliate. "Shut up, Four. It's not your turn yet. You just ruined the sequence."

The other three grumbled under their breaths. "Tsk. Why is he/this lad/this brat always like that? Tsk."

"Alright, sorry." he shrugged his shoulders before going back to toning his biceps.

He turned his head and winked at the four girls watching him from a distance. One of them almost fainted—and Zeirenne almost puked. He looked just the same as he spoke. May sound a 'little bit' narcistic, but his silly quirks always entertained people the most.

Unlike his overflowing confidence, his clothes turn out rather simple most of the time. With a white shirt, and jeans paired with sneakers, he always looked ready to commit some 'teenage delinquency'. Twenty-four years old but acts like he's twelve.

"Hays... my turn's been ruined," Thirdy sighed, "But there's no way slides could be inferior to all those uhm... unpopular playground equipment." He beckoned Zeirenne to come closer. "They have a 4-story slide with no slide-burns afterwards."

Thirdy could be considered the most 'normal' of them all. He often wore proper office attire unlike all his brothers whom you'd never guess which profession excell in.

All of them were businessmen, not by passion but from the influence of their own family. They have investments on different companies from their parents' shares. With their money growing day by day, they don't even need to actually work. They have a lot of free time in their hands.

Zeirenne shook her head and the four men watched her sit on the swing. Oneil clenched his fist and pulled his arms inward, "Yes! I won!"

The other three slouched their backs before leaving their chosen park equipment one by one. They approached the swing and sat in front of the two, slumping their legs on the well-trimmed Bermuda grass that covered the entire park.

"Do you want me to push you?" Oneil offered and Zeirenne shook her head. She pushed herself and the swing started moving.

"So... what did you call me here for?" She asked them.

"Now that you're jobless... why don't you spend your time hanging out with us?" Thirdy said.

"No, no, no." Four flicked his pointer finger side to side. "Now that you're jobless... You WILL marry me."

"Wow." Zeirenne looked at him with aversion. "And that's not even a question?"

"I just know you will. I mean—Who'd reject such a handsome, rich, supportive guy like me?"

"Well.." Dos cleared his throat as if preparing to read a poem in front of them. He placed one hand on his chest and raised the other. "If milady has a better candidate for marriage, it is I, she'll prefer."

Zeirenne only smiled at them. Her reaction caught them by surprise. She would usually deflect their jokes and roll her eyes. But today, she didn't. That's when they all shifted on their seats—preparing for a serious conversation.

"We can help you get ZA International back."

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