The Manliest Woman

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Selena found herself inside a café a few blocks from CF&H. The person accompanying her for today was David who was in the middle of opening his laptop for another mission.

"Why are we here again?" he asked her.

"I already told you... We have to provoke that actress's agency into making her face the cameras herself. JA Entertainment has only been releasing articles about that hypocrite's condition." She leaned forward while looking around to make sure nobody could hear their conversation. "I need her to step out--do whatever she must. Either cry or beg or lie. I need her to face the cameras herself. She needs to convince the people and play the victim."

"So that you can expose her lies afterwards?" 

She nodded her head and David stopped sipping his coffee. "Wow. Having you as an enemy would give me nightmares, I'm glad to be on your side."

"Of course, women are the scariest when they need to protect someone."