Road To Martyrdom

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Zeirenne was mad at Jin for only one reason. Not because he lied, not because he betrayed her by releasing the voice recording, and not because he underestimated her. These reasons only made her sad, not mad. The only thing she couldn't forgive was him getting her employees involved. But now, after realizing his actions, she started laughing. Nonstop, while the five men stood there confused, she sat on the pavement, laughing.

"It's okay now," she told them, "Thank you for telling me. Don't worry, you don't need to find a different job. I'll get our company back soon." She told them and they responded with hopeful gazes.

When she was finally alone, she leaned her body on Lala before crouching down. There were so many emotions stirring inside her. She couldn't help herself from wheezing. 

"Why didn't you tell me, tsk," she whispered, "When did you start becoming a martyr anyways. Tsk. Jin Yang, you're sick."