Filthy Rich Fish

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Dylan stepped forward and handed Zeirenne a folder. She started flipping the pages and tapped on a paragraph. It was the exact clause she wrote that obliged her into shouldering the losses of the 20 percent minority in case of a fall out.

"It says here that I need to 'refund' all the investments they put in incase things go south. And that I have to use my own money," she said, "So Dylan said the company had to sell 20 percent of my stocks just so I can pay those people."

"You're right. And that's why you're no longer the major stockholder."

Zeirenne's laughter echoed around the entire office. "You did the wrong thing of entrusting this matter to Dylan. Do you really think he'd sell my stocks? Crazy thing is that you didn't even ask him who bought it."

"But all the investments have been reimbursed. There's no way you'd have enough funds unless--" All the directors cursed. "Drat! That CEO from CF&H bought it for you!"