He Said, She Said

. . .

"Wow, I never expected you'd be this ungentlemanly," Zeirenne said.

"What do you mean?"

With a mischievous smile on her face, she leaned herself on Jin's car. "You went all the way to Japan--not Korea like you'd told me--and fetched Miss Yukamura. But now you're not even sending her off. I have to say I'm disappointed."

"I don't need to send her off... because nothing's been decided yet," he said while turning his head to fix his gaze on Zeirenne, "I'm still firm to my decision to kick you out of this summit. No matter what happens, I'll make sure Miss Yukamura gets to take your place."

Zeirenne shrugged. "Well, good luck to you on that," she smirked, "'Cause I don't plan on stepping down from my position. There's no way I'd get myself replaced... Babe."

While Jin stood there frozen, Zeirenne was able to snatch the keys from his hands. She flung it around her fingers before walking herself to the driver's seat. "Get in."