Put A Finger Down

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"Anywhere... anywhere's fine as long as..." Jin said, "as long as I get to be alone."

Zeirenne's shoulders slumped before a bittersweet smile escaped her lips. Jin wanted to be alone--and that meant everything she'd done was futile. He was still being aloof and distant despite all her efforts. There were countless things running inside her mind... but the main question was HOW LONG. For how long will they both stay like this? For how long would Jin seek some space?

Jin noticed her expression, and just like her, he felt a surge of bitterness rising from the pit of his stomach that soon filled his mouth. The bitter taste was strong, but he was firm to his resolve--or so he thought.

Zeirenne nodded her head. "Okay," she said, sounding a bit reluctant but at the same time, surrendered. "If that's what you want... then I'll leave now. I guess I'll see you when I see you."