Can't Spoil Her

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Steak. Hotdog Sandwich. Pizza. 

Zeirenne craved dozens of food at once—but these three were the top finalists. For an entire day, she'd been lying conscious but paralyzed—wondering when Dylan and Jin would pull out Denver's amazing invention. 

"Hello," she said while looking at Jin, who'd been holding her hand the entire night, "I'm waiting for the magical IV drip. This one tastes like URGH. I really need some fancy meal right now."

But Jin just sat beside her, overcome by worry. He didn't like what was happening. The last conversation he had with Zeirenne was beyond acceptable. If he had known this would happen, he would have accepted her offer. Took her out on a date. Visited all the restaurants he'd written on his [Zeirenne would love this place List] from the last few years. Whenever he tasted some excellent food, it always reminded him of Zeirenne.