No Pain No Gain

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Zeirenne and Dylan were just about to wrap up their conversation when her ears rang. She recognized the sets of footsteps approaching her room. She could guess they were already outside the hallway. She tucked herself inside the covers and feigned unconsiousness.

"Miss Lin!" Dorothy came running inside her door. Her secretary immediately kneeled in front of her bed as if she'd been diagnosed of an incurable disease. Dorothy sounded so hopeless that she wanted to pull her arms and tell her this was all for the show. But she stopped herself.

"How could this happen? Miss Lin huhuhuhuhu."

Behind Dorothy, the six men had their shoulders slumped. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. The strong, and formidable CEO they've now looked up to--was lying in bed, unconscious. It made their throats feel dry.

"What happened to Miss Lin?" Jonas said with tears welling up his eyes. 

"How did you know she was taken to the hospital?" Dylan asked.